Agriculture Biotechnology: Overview, Regulation, Advantages, FAQs

Agriculture Biotechnology: Overview, Regulation, Advantages, FAQs

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Oct 23, 2024 09:13 AM IST

We often hear about the term "agriculture," and everyone is well aware of the same. The word "agricultural biotechnology" defines an area of science that deals with modernising agriculture practices in comparison to traditional methods by using different means, such as modern techniques and tools. Agricultural Biotechnology is one of the topics in Biology and carries a weightage of 2% in NEET and 4% in CBSE and other Paramedical Exams.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is Agricultural Biotechnology?
  2. Importance of Agricultural Biotechnology
  3. Application of biotechnology in agriculture
  4. Types of Questions Asked from Agricultural Biotechnology
  5. Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Agricultural Biotechnology

What is Agricultural Biotechnology?

The term "agriculture biotechnology" means an area of agricultural science that involves the use of different kinds of scientific tools and methods, which include molecular diagnostics, vaccines, tissue culture, and other ways of modifying living organisms that are suitably known as genetic engineering.

There are many examples of agricultural biotechnology, such as improving plant and seed quality, improving plant growth, improving animal health and breeding, and many more.

  • Agriculture biotechnology helps in improving the development of genetically modified crops with rates like pest-resistant drought tolerance and higher yield.

  • The technology also helps in creating crops which are more resonant to the environment well as issues such as stress disease and reducing the chemical input of the fertilizers.

  • Biotechnology can also enhance the nutritional value of the crops such as bio fortification of the golden rice which is enriched in vitamin A.

  • Agriculture biotechnology also plays a very important role in animal husbandry by improving the breeding of animals using genetic engineering.

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Importance of Agricultural Biotechnology

Agricultural biotechnologies are of great importance when it comes to the production and health of crops. There are several techniques which are used to exhibit and increase the production of the crop. Some of the major importance of the use of agriculture biotechnology is discussed below:

  • Due to the use of agricultural biotechnology, the crops are more tolerant to explain weather conditions such as flooding, drought, heat and climate change.

  • By reducing the use of chemical inputs there is increasing production of the crop. This is possible due to agricultural biotechnology.

  • Biotechnology in agriculture also helps in the fortification of the crops with essential nutrients addressing malnutrition and improving the quality of the food.

  • Genetically modified crops are engineered in such a way that they are assistant to disease and pests which reduces the use of chemical pesticides.

  • Due to this there is increasing production of the crops.

Application of biotechnology in agriculture

With the emergence of new methods and techniques, the application of biotechnology in agriculture also increased at a very quick pace and contributed in different ways, which are as follows:



Reproduction in Aquaculture

  • Biotechnology application has played a very vital role in the maximisation of growth and production in aquaculture.

To increase the yields

  • The introduction of different kinds of techniques and tools has made the agricultural process very easy and convenient for farmers.

  • The yield level has also grown.

  • It also brought different types of farming into the picture, such as dairy, poultry farming, and many others.

Enhancing the taste of fruits and vegetables

  • With biotechnology, scientists have invented a different method by which fruit and vegetable taste can be enhanced.

  • In this method, the seeds become absent; this way, more sugar content in the soluble form makes it sweet and suitable for consumption.

Focus on increasing the production of Biofuel.

  • Biotechnology is doing great in this area, considering the future demand for a sustainable and secure energy source, as it is a reliable and long-lasting fuel source.

Types of Questions Asked from Agricultural Biotechnology

During exam preparation, different types of questions about agricultural biotechnology are asked. The table below contains the different patterns of questions asked in different exams.

Exam Type

Types of Questions Asked



  • Definition and concept of agricultural biotechnology.

  • Examples of genetically modified (GM) crops (e.g., Bt cotton, Golden Rice).

  • Advantages of GM crops (pest resistance, higher yield).

  • Biotechnology’s role in improving crop quality and nutrition.

  • Environmental impacts of agricultural biotechnology.



  • Genetic modification techniques used in agriculture (e.g., recombinant DNA, CRISPR).

  • Role of biotechnology in pest and disease resistance in crops.

  • Applications of biotechnology in improving soil health and plant growth.

  • Biotechnology in biofortification and crop nutrition enhancement.

  • Ethical concerns and safety of GM crops.



  • Role of agricultural biotechnology in human health (nutrient-rich crops).

  • Biotechnology in the production of medicinal plants and pharmaceutical compounds.

  • GM crops and their impact on public health (e.g., allergenicity, toxicity).

  • Agricultural biotechnology in sustainable farming and environmental conservation.

  • Biotechnology’s contribution to food security and population health.


Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Agricultural Biotechnology

It takes effort to remember everything in a single go. We made the entire problem easy. Some of the tricks regarding agricultural biotechnology are given below which you can use to memorise the important points.

Key Concepts in Agricultural Biotechnology

"GRAINS: Genetically Modified, Resistance, Applications, Innovations, Nutrition, Sustainability"

  • G: Genetically Modified (GM) crops that are engineered for improved traits.

  • R: Resistance to pests and diseases, reducing reliance on chemical pesticides.

  • A: Applications in various fields, including crop improvement and livestock enhancement.

  • I: Innovations in techniques such as CRISPR and recombinant DNA technology.

  • N: Nutrition enhancement through biofortification (e.g., Golden Rice for Vitamin A).

  • S: Sustainability in agriculture, promoting eco-friendly practices and reducing waste.

Types of Genetic Engineering Techniques

"RGD: Recombinant, Gene Editing, Development"

  • R: Recombinant DNA technology – Combining DNA from different organisms.

  • G: Gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 that allow precise modifications.

  • D: Development of transgenic plants that express desired traits.

Benefits of Agricultural Biotechnology

"YIELDS: Yield, Input Efficiency, Disease Resistance, Sustainability"

  • Y: Yield improvement through enhanced growth rates and productivity.

  • I: Input efficiency by reducing the need for fertilizers and pesticides.

  • D: Disease resistance to protect crops from pathogens.

  • S: Sustainability in farming practices, leading to reduced environmental impact.

Major GM Crops

"CBR: Corn, Bt Cotton, Roundup Ready Soybeans"

  • C: Corn – Often genetically modified for higher yield and pest resistance.

  • B: Bt Cotton – Engineered to produce a toxin against certain pests.

  • R: Roundup Ready Soybeans – Modified for resistance to glyphosate herbicide.

Regulatory and Ethical Considerations

"SAFE: Safety, Approval, Food Security, Ethics"

  • S: Safety assessments to ensure GM crops do not harm human health or the environment.

  • A: Approval processes by regulatory bodies before GM crops can be commercialized.

  • F: Food security enhancements through increased crop production.

  • E: Ethical concerns regarding GM technology, including biodiversity and farmer rights.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When was the Green Revolution introduced in India?

Green Revolution was introduced in India in the 1960s.

2. What kinds of tools came into application due to agricultural biotechnology?

Tools such as Threshers, Tractors, Harvesting Machines, Cultivators, etc.

3. Does it require a huge investment in farming?

No! It does not require a huge investment or expenditure involved in buying seeds, fertilisers, machine fuels and other related.  

4. Is there any Agriculture Biotechnology Industry?

Yes, there are many.

5. How much salary does an Agriculture Biotechnology Scientist earn?

It ranges from 7 lakhs to 25 lakhs per annum.


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