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Difference between Apomixis and Parthenogenesis: Concepts, Similarities, Differences

Difference between Apomixis and Parthenogenesis: Concepts, Similarities, Differences

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 28, 2024 10:32 AM IST

Definition Of Parthenogenesis And Apomixis

Apomixis is the process of asexual reproduction in plants whereby seeds are formed without fertilisation, sidestepping normal sexuality. This gives rise to genetically identical progeny to that of the parent plant. In the case of parthenogenesis—a form of asexual reproduction in animals—an egg develops into an organism without fertilisation by sperm. It, however, occurs naturally in some invertebrates and vertebrates, such as in aphids, rotifers, and some species of reptiles like the Komodo dragon.

The second importance is distinguishing apomixis from parthenogenesis in botanical and zoological studies. Apomixis has significant implications for plant breeding and agriculture by allowing the propagation of desirable traits without genetic variation. In contrast, parthenogenesis gives insights into evolutionary biology, diversity in genetics, and adaptation strategies of different animal species.


Apomixis is a form of asexual reproduction where seeds are formed without fertilization, circumventing the normal sexual reproduction process.

Examples in Plants

Examples of plants showing apomixis include dandelions, certain grass species, and some citrus plants.

Types Of Apomixis

The different types are:


This is the process in which the embryo sac develops from somatic cells of the ovule, circumventing meiosis.


It is a process in which the embryo sac arises from a cell that undergoes modified meiosis; thus, resulting in diploid cells that develop into seed.

Adventive Embryony

Adventive embryony is the term applied to the process by which the embryos develop from the somatic or nucellar cells surrounding the embryo sac and not from gametic cells.

Significance Of Apomixis In Agriculture


Apomixis is especially useful in agriculture since it can repeatedly reproduce plants, which are hybrid with very minimal variations genetically. This provides a suitable basis for crop uniformity and stability with desirable traits.


Low genetic diversity increases the vulnerability of plants to certain diseases and pests. More importantly, it is also one of the factors that limit the breeding of new varieties with desirable traits.


Parthenogenesis is explained below-

A form of reproduction where an individual develops from an egg without fertilisation.

Examples in Animals and Plants

It is common in some insects like bees and aphids. Some plants, like dandelions, are also examples

Types Of Parthenogenesis

The types of parthenogenesis are:

Natural Parthenogenesis

It is a natural process in the reproductive cycle of some species, particularly reptiles and amphibians.

Artificial Parthenogenesis

It is artificially induced in the laboratory through means of chemicals or other physical methods of induction for the study of developmental processes.

Significance Of Parthenogenesis In Nature


It makes reproduction possible without a mate, allowing for rapid population growth and colonisation of new environments.


It reduces genetic diversity and, accordingly, may make populations more vulnerable to diseases and changes in the environment.

Key Differences Between Apomixis And Parthenogenesis



Sexual Reproduction


Asexual reproduction where an egg develops without fertilisation

Reproduction involving the combination of genetic material from two parents


Common in some insects, reptiles, amphibians, and plants

Universal among animals, plants, and many other organisms


Natural and Artificial

Various (e.g., internal and external fertilisation)


The egg develops into an individual without fertilisation

Fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote

Genetic Variation

Low genetic variation

High genetic variation due to recombination


Allows reproduction without a mate, quick population growth

Promotes genetic diversity, and adaptability to changing environments


Bees, aphids, dandelions, some reptiles

Most animals, flowering plants, fungi

Reproductive Strategies

Typically involves a single-parent

Involves two parents with distinct gametes

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the main difference between apomixis and parthenogenesis?

The main difference between apomixis and parthenogenesis lies in the fact that, in the former, seeds are formed in plants without fertilisation as a form of asexual reproduction, bypassing the meiosis and fertilisation stages in the development of seeds, while the new individual expresses exactly the genotype of its parent. 

On the other hand, parthenogenesis is an asexual reproductive process in both animals and plants whereby an egg develops into an individual without being fertilised. Although parthenogenesis does not involve fertilisation, it frequently still involves meiosis.

2. Can parthenogenesis occur in mammals?

Parthenogenesis is virtually nonexistent in mammals and is never spontaneous. Sexual reproduction appears to be a requirement for any mammal to give rise to viable young. However, researchers have been able to artificially induce parthenogenesis in mammalian eggs. The embryos produced typically die or fail to develop properly.

3. What are the benefits of apomixis in agriculture?

One of the clear benefits of apomixis in agriculture is in the generation of inbred but uniform and stable cultivars with predictable and beneficial features, thus ensuring consistency in crop quality. This process also allows for the maintenance of hybrid vigour without the continuous hybridisation necessary in conventional breeding techniques, which reduces the cost and effort involved.

4. How does artificial parthenogenesis work?

Artificial parthenogenesis: an egg is induced to develop into an embryo without fertilisation, say, by chemical, electrical, or mechanical means. This could involve treatments with calcium ionophores, temperature shocks, or other kinds of physical and chemical agents that can be used to pretend the activation normally brought about by sperm entry.

5. What plants exhibit apomixis?

Plants that undergo apomixis include some dandelions and hawkweeds, and some grasses. The former plants can form seeds parthenogenically without the occurrence of fertilisation, hence allowing asexual reproduction with the perpetuation of their genotype.


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