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Difference Between Linkage and Crossing Over: Linkage And Recombination

Difference Between Linkage and Crossing Over: Linkage And Recombination

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Sep 19, 2024 12:28 PM IST

What Is Genetics?

Genetics is the study of heredity and variation in characteristics passed down from one generation to another. It explains the components making up trait inheritance from parents to offspring. At the real core of genetics lies the concept of linkage and crossing over—two phenomena defining mechanisms highly relevant to the study of inheritance. Understanding these processes is very important in attempts to understand genetic variation, evolution, and much of the basis of genetic disorders.

Basics Of Genetics

Genes are the basic units of heredity, which are formed by DNA sequences coding for proteins. These genes are situated on chromosomes, long strands of DNA and protein found in the nucleus of cells. Alleles are variant forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus of a chromosome. The interaction among genes, chromosomes, and alleles has been the focus of much scientific major research in genetics because it forms the basis of the transmission of hereditary traits from one generation to the next.

What Is Linkage?

Linkage is the tendency of genes that are in close physical proximity to each other on the same chromosome to stay together during meiosis. This was discovered by Thomas Hunt Morgan through his work with fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). It was realised that certain traits did in no way assort independently as Mendel first proposed. There are two kinds of linkages: complete linkage, in which genes always go together, and incomplete linkage, whereby some recombination takes place between genes. Linkage groups comprise any group of genes which tends to be co-inherited and thus reflect the closeness to one another on a chromosome. And so, the process is useful in mapping genetic traits or understanding genetic disorders.

What Is Crossing Over?

Crossing over is the exchange of segments of genetic material between a pair of homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis. It comprises the process involved in synapsis—the pairing of homologous chromosomes—and chiasmata, which refer to points where crossing over will take place. Thus, crossing over is a process of recombination of genetic material, ultimately leading to new combinations of alleles and increased genetic diversity. This reshuffling of genetic information is very important for effective evolution and adaptation of species to changing environments.

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Mechanism Of Linkage

The physical basis of linkage is the linear arrangement of genes on Chromosomes. Genes that lie closer to each other on a chromosome are less likely to get separated by crossing over during meiosis. The recombination frequency between the different genes enables the mapping of genes to form linkage maps. The frequency of recombination can be used to estimate the physical distance from the analysis of genetic crosses' offspring. These are physical maps and become essential tools in genetics research for mapping genes responsible for specific traits or conditions.

Mechanism Of Crossing Over

Crossing over is a complex molecular process that involves several enzymes, including recombinase, in the exchange of homologous chromosomes' segments. It also provides a way for genetic diversity and appropriate segregation during meiosis. Unlike mutations, recombination is not related to a change in DNA sequence. It is normal and controlled concerning genetic variation it confers without an overall change in its genetic component.

Table: Differences Between Linkage And Crossing Over



Crossing Over


Tendency of genes which are located near to each other on a chromosome to be inherited together.

Exchange of genetic material between the homologous chromosomes in meiosis

Effect on Genetic Inheritance

The genes are kept together, and multiple alleles' combinations are preserved across generations.

Breaks gene linkage, therefore generating new allele combinations


It provides a pattern of inheritance that is rather predictable.

Introduces variability and makes the inheritance pattern less predictable

Genetic Variation

Genetic variation is reduced as allele combinations are kept together.

Increases genetic variation by coming up with new combinations of alleles

Role in Evolution

It helps to maintain useful gene combinations.

Provides fuel for genetic diversity and adaptation central to evolution

Biological Significance

It is very crucial for maintaining a constant gene trait in successive generations.

Mandatory to generate genetic diversity that gives way to adaptation in new environments


It is seen in those genes that lie physically close on the same chromosome.

Takes place in prophase I of meiosis between the homologous chromosomes


Eye colour and wing size in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster)

Colour and texture traits of corn kernels

Role In Evolution And Genetic Variation

The two events, linkage and crossing over, have a great effect on evolution and genetic variation. Linkage influences the pattern of inheritance of various traits frequently seen in the inheritance of genes for genetic disorders or linked traits. Crossing over, however, enhances genetic variation by the production of new combinations of alleles. This forms the basis for adaptability and also survival in changing environments. This genetic diversity is necessary as raw material for natural selection and evolutionary processes.


Linkage and crossing over are basic genetic processes that explain the inheritance and variation of traits in organisms. While linkage describes the situation in which genes are located close enough on a chromosome that they are co-inherited, crossing over is an interchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. These two mechanisms are the basis for the study of genetic inheritance, variation, and evolution. This has remained a dynamic field of study on linkage and crossing over, especially regarding how new research is constantly evolving. It opened new ways toward better understanding the intricacies behind genetic inheritance and its applications, virtually in both medicine and agriculture.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the difference between linkage and crossing over?

 Linkage refers to the tendency of genes located close together on a chromosome to be inherited together while crossing over is the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis.

2. How does crossing over increase genetic variation?

Crossing over results in new combinations of alleles by exchanging segments of DNA between homologous chromosomes, leading to genetic diversity in offspring.

3. What are the types of linkage?

There are two types of linkage: complete linkage, where genes are inherited together 100% of the time, and incomplete linkage, where some recombination occurs.

4. What is a linkage map?

A linkage map is a genetic map that shows the relative positions of genes on a chromosome based on recombination frequencies.

5. Why is linkage important in genetics?

Linkage is important because it helps in understanding how traits are inherited together and is used in mapping the location of genes associated with diseases and traits.


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