Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Oct 07, 2024 05:37 PM IST

The principle of inheritance and variation is a fundamental principle which is a basic foundation in genetics. It explains how traits are transmitted from one generation to another. It was discovered by Gregor Mendel and it's popularly known as Mendelian genetics. The entire principles and its experiments were conducted on pea plants to establish the rules of governing hierarchy which includes dominant and recessive traits. Principles Of Inheritance And Variation is one of the most important topics in biology. The chapter carries a weightage of 12% of the total marks in NEET and 8-9% of the weightage of other entrance exams like Paramedical and Pharmacy.

Basics of the Principle of inheritance and variation

Some of the basic terminology regarding heredity and genetics is discussed below:

  • Genetics- Genetics is the study of genes, genetic variations, and heredity in the organism.
    Inheritance- It is the process by which an offspring acquires a few genetic traits of parental organisms within the same species.

  • Diversity- Genetic diversity is basically the difference between living organisms and in their DNA, between groups of organisms. There are several factors such as genetic variation, natural strength, etc. which lead to this diversity.

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Mendel's Law of Inheritance

Gregor Johann Mendel is a scientist who is regarded as the father or inventor of genes. Mendel considered many garden pea plants primarily based on their distinctive features such as height or shortness; green or yellow seeds. He applied pollen in two different pure forms. Below is a list of 7 peas of pea plants with different characteristics that Mendel has chosen for self-breeding.

Character Comparable Character. (Powerful / Extreme)

Stem height→ Tall/dwarf

The colour of the flower→ Violet/white

The position of the flower→ Axial/terminal

Pod color→ Green/yellow

Pod Shape→ inflated/constricted

Seed color→ Yellow/green

Seed shape→ Round/wrinkled

The resulting offspring is called the first generation of the child or F1. This F1 generation is self-propelled and gives birth to a second-generation filial or F2. The genes passed on from parent to offspring are called "traits", and they exist in pairs called "alleles".

Based on this test, he developed three rules. These rules are:

Mendel’s Law


Law of dominance

  • One allele is dominant over another.

  • According to this rule, the F1 generation exhibits dominant traits while F2 shows a ratio of 3:1 of dominance.

Law of segregation

  • Alleles segregate independently during gamete formation.

  • This helps in maintaining different characteristics and also results in a phenotypic ratio of 3:1

Law of independent assortment

  • Genes who have different traits are passed independently and the offspring is formed during gamete formation.

Incomplete Dominance

In this rule, a heterozygous organism combines two elements. It is a genetic phenomenon where heterogeneous phenotype intermediate blend of two-parent traits. This results in showing the dominance of one trait over another. For example, the pink snapdragon gets both red and white alleles.

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In simple terms, the cohesive governance expressed by heterozygous organisms reflects both aspects without mixing is known codominance. For example, a roan cow usually has white and red hair. All of these forms of government encompass an important part of the legacy of diversity and diversity.

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Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

The chromosomal genetic theory presented by Boveri and Sutton, states that genes are found somewhere in the chromosomes.

Morgan studied fruit flies and confirmed this chromosomal theory. Through his experiments, he saw that mutations affect the colour of a fly's eye. Also, these mutations are inherited genetically differently from female flies and ants.

Based on this evidence, he concluded that the gene responsible for eye colour is found in the X chromosome. Some important factors of the chromosomal Theory of Inheritance are discussed below:

  • Genes are located on chromosomes where all the genetic information is transferred during cell division.

  • Homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis which ensures that every gamete receives only one allele.

  • Genes on different chromosomes assort independently during gamete formation.

  • Mutation in chromosomes can cause genetic disorders in different traits.

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Linkage and Recombination

The term recombination is the process by which two DNA strips are separated and recombined during meiosis.The frequency of reunification and the presence of connections allow chromosomes to map the genetic makeup and DNA structure of living organisms. It is therefore one of the most important parts of heritage systems and diversity. Some important factors about Linkage and Recombination are discussed below:



  • Inheritance of genes that are located close to each other on the same chromosome.

  • Exchange of genetic material between chromosomes during meiosis.

  • Offsprings display parental trait combinations.

  • New trait combinations are not found in parents.

  • Less frequent and closer genes are assorted together.

  • More frequent and is used for distant genes

  • Use to map the distance between two linked genes.

  • Increases genetic diversity and variation.

  • Involves Inheritance of entire chromosomes

  • Involves crossing over between homologous chromosomes.

Other Important Terms of Principles of Inheritance And Variation

Mutation- This term refers to the alteration of DNA sequences in any living organism that leads to genetic diversity. It can be divided into two categories.

Somatic- This genetic mutation occurs during a person's lifetime. Environmental factors such as UV rays and others are good examples of this. As the name suggests, it occurs in cells of the whole body and cannot be inherited from one generation to the next.

Genetics- This mutation is passed on from one generation to the next. It occurs in the parents' eggs or sperm cells. When an offspring is born with at least one silenced parent cell, mutations occur in all of its body cells.

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Types of Questions Asked from Principles of Inheritance And Variation

During the preparation of the exam, there are different types of questions asked about the Principles Of Inheritance And Variation in different forms. The table given below contains the different patterns of questions asked in different exams.

Exam Type

Types of Questions Asked



  • Overview of Mendel’s experiments and laws of inheritance (dominance, segregation, assortment).

  • Basic concepts of alleles and traits.

  • Applications of inheritance principles in real-life scenarios



  • Detailed study of genetic crosses and Punnett squares.

  • Complex inheritance patterns (incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles).

  • Genetic disorders and their inheritance.



  • Clinical significance of genetic inheritance in health and disease.

  • Role of chromosomes in inheritance.

  • Techniques for studying inheritance patterns (e.g., pedigree analysis).


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Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Principles of Inheritance And Variation

It's hard to remember everything in a single go. We made the entire problem easy. Some of the tricks regarding Principles of Inheritance And Variation are given below which you can use to memorize the important points.

Common Inheritance Patterns

"MEND: Mendelian, Exceptions, Non-Mendelian, Dominance"

  • M: Mendelian inheritance (basic principles established by Mendel)

  • E: Exceptions to Mendel's laws (incomplete dominance, codominance)

  • N: Non-Mendelian inheritance (multiple alleles, polygenic inheritance)

  • D: Dominance (dominant and recessive traits)

Types of Genetic Crosses

"PPPT: Parent, Punnett, Phenotype, Test Cross"

  • P: Parent generation (P generation in crosses)

  • P: Punnett square (used to predict offspring genotypes)

  • P: Phenotypic ratio (expected ratios in offspring)

  • T: Test cross (used to determine the genotype of an individual)

Laws of Inheritance

"DSL: Dominance, Segregation, Independent Assortment"

  • D: Law of Dominance (dominant traits are expressed over recessive)

  • S: Law of Segregation (alleles segregate during gamete formation)

  • L: Law of Independent Assortment (genes assort independently)

Genetic Variability

"CRAM: Crossing Over, Recombination, Alleles, Mutations"

  • C: Crossing over (exchange of genetic material during meiosis)

  • R: Recombination (formation of new allele combinations)

  • A: Alleles (variations of genes)

  • M: Mutations (changes in DNA that lead to variation)

Genetic Disorders

"DREAM: Down syndrome, Recessive disorders, Environmental factors, Autosomal disorders, Mutations"

  • D: Down syndrome (chromosomal abnormality)

  • R: Recessive disorders (e.g., cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia)

  • E: Environmental factors (influence of the environment on genetics)

  • A: Autosomal disorders (affecting non-sex chromosomes)

  • M: Mutations (causing genetic disorders)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What Is an Inheritance?

Inheritance is the process by which certain traits are passed on from one parent to another. Understandably, heredity and diversity are an integral part of every kind of life.

2. What is an example of variation?

Examples of variation include the variety of plant leaves, animal hide, eye color, etc. Significantly, diversity can be seen in all forms of life, especially when it is a living cell with many cells.

3. How is variation maintained in the population?

Basically demographic variation is maintained through genetic variation or reunification (recombination) that occurs during meiosis.

4. What Is Incomplete dominance?

Refers to a situation where there is nothing in the two alleles from the parent in charge. Therefore, the heterozygous phenotype is not the same for any parent. In such cases, heterozygotes. Example - When red snapdragons contrast pollen with white snapdragons, they result in pink snapdragons. This is because there are no red or white alleles of the flower.

When both alleles manifest themselves together in an individual it is called codominance.

5. How Is the Sex of progeny Determined?

Henking was the first scientist on the X chromosomes and named them 'X'. Chromosomes that determine the growth of sex cells in a young person are called sex chromosomes. Some chromosomes are called autosomes. Male heterogamety is when the male produces two different types of gametes. It occurs in many animals, such as humans, fruit flies, locusts, etc.

In some animals, this happens to women. That is, women exhibit heterogamety. Examples - birds.

6. What are the basic Principles of Inheritance?

The basic principle of Inheritance is dominant segregation and independent assortment.  

7. What are inheritance and variations?

Inheritance is a process of passing down genetic material from parents to offspring while variation refers to the difference among the individuals.  


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