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Noise Pollution: Definition, Types, Causes, Examples, Effects, Control

Noise Pollution: Definition, Types, Causes, Examples, Effects, Control

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 16, 2024 10:06 AM IST

What Is Noise Pollution?

Noise pollution may be defined as sounds that are considered undesirable noise that interfere with normal conduct and situations. This ranges from traffic, industrial equipment, and urban activities affecting both the urban and the rural regions. Analysis of noise pollution is important since it contributes to the deterioration of health, wildlife, and general well-being.

Noise Pollution: Definition, Types, Causes, Examples, Effects, Control
Noise Pollution: Definition, Types, Causes, Examples, Effects, Control

This article seeks to describe; the types or sources of noise pollution; health and environmental impact and finally measures for controlling noise pollution. Knowledge of these aspects is critical towards achieving sound and efficient urban planning, advances in health, plus the conservation of biomes due to the growing levels of urbanisation and industrialisation.

Cause Of Noise Pollution

The most common causes of Noise Pollution are:

Natural sources

Natural sources of noise pollution include:

  • Weather: The noise can be caused by thunder and hurricanes, by wind.

  • Wildlife: In particular settings, animals may vocalise, and natural environments may make a noise.

Anthropogenic (Man-Made) Sources

Anthropogenic sources are predominant contributors to noise pollution:

  • Transportation: The extensively used person carriers such as automobiles, trucks and buses still make noise along the roads and avenues while continually aircraft generate noise within the towns and rural areas.

  • Industrial activities: Industrial sounds are usually rather loud and they may be created by the workings of pieces of equipment as well as various processes happening in industries and other related facilities such as construction sites, manufacturing plants and even offices.

  • Urbanisation: Some of the site activities like construction work, the use of loudspeakers, and high population density in a particular region also contribute to higher noise levels in the urban areas of a country.

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Types Of Noise Pollution

The types of Noise Pollution are described below-

Continuous Noise: There is a distinction between intermittent and continuous noise pollution: The first is characterised by sporadic noise sources, while the second is a constant noise that does not cease; it may be low-pitched, like traffic noise from the freeway or the drone of many machines in industries. It is long-term and causes long-term effects on health such as stress and loss of hearing among others.

Intermittent Noise: This type of noise is the one which occurs at random intervals, it includes noises like construction works and other loud events in periods that are not fixed in urban surroundings. It interferes with daily business and night rest and is a source of short-term annoyance and possibly health consequences.

Impulsive Noise: Under this category, we have loud sounds that are sharp, sudden and brief in nature inclusive of loud explosions, gunshots or bangs and shutting of doors. It can lead to instantaneous headaches, stress, and hearing loss, especially when one stays in areas close to industrial or construction areas.

Low-Frequency Noise: Infrasound is included in low-frequency noise pollution since people cannot hear it, although it influences health and well-being. It is emitted by such objects as large mechanical equipment, air conditioning systems, and certain industrial activity, which creates vibrations that interfere with sleep and produce stress effects.

Effects Of Noise Pollution

The effects of Noise Pollution are described below-

Health Effects

  • Hearing loss: Repeated loud noise causes hearing disorder or even complete loss of hearing depending on the extent of exposure to such noise level.

  • Cardiovascular issues: Some of the effects of constant noise exposure include hypertension, increase in heart rate and other cardiovascular ailments.

  • Sleep disturbances: Hearing disturbance results in the inability to sleep, sleep deprivation, and overall irritability of the body system.

  • Stress and mental health impact: Contact with noise over some period may result in anxiety and irritability and may be a cause of mental health disorders such as depression.

Environmental Effects

Wildlife disturbance: Light pollution changes the behaviour of the animals it affects, including the reactions to other animals, feeding times, and reproduction rates.

Ecosystem impact: This is so because noise affects the various forms of life – marine and terrestrial – within their various ecosystems to an extent that could lead to species loss or shift to other areas or forms of existence.

Social And Economic Effects

  • Productivity loss: Researchers state that productivity in noisy environments is low mainly due to distraction deviation of concentration and mistakes in meetings.

  • Quality of life degradation: Nuisance noise reduces the quality of life for citizens and has hurt community satisfaction, and house prices within such environments.

Sources Of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution originates from various sources, including:


  • Road: Highway traffic, street traffic, and urban traffic produce constant noise in the form of horns and tyres, engine sounds, and brakes.

  • Rail: Operations and passage of trains and railways cause noise, especially within areas with railway tracks and crossings.

  • Air: When in operation, aircraft make noise through fouling up, touching down or even the noise produced by their engines.

Industrial Activities

Workers and employees are exposed to loud noise in the course of their work in factories, manufacturing plants, and industrial facilities because the operating machinery and equipment churn out sounds.

Construction Sites

There are activities such as construction that use equipment like drills, nay offer involve demolition, which makes a lot of noise.

Urban Areas

  • Social events: Enclosed spaces, public places, events like birthday parties, festivals, and sporting activities which involve loudspeakers or loud cheering bring about high levels of sound.

  • Loudspeakers: Street calls, commercial and business slogans kiosk public address systems, television and radio and cinema all contribute to noise pollution.

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Household Sources

  • Appliances: Furniture such as the refrigerator, AC and vacuum cleaner also produce sound when in use within the dwelling unit.

  • Music: The use of powerful music players or loud speaking systems indoors increases noise intrusion in residential environments.

Diagram: Sources And Intensity Of Noise Pollution1

Prevention Of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution may be responsible for excessive or harmful levels of noise in the environment. This may become a serious threat to human health and wildlife. The effective control measures of noise pollution include strategies for diminishing and managing noise effectively.

  • Urban Planning: Apply zoning laws that prevent residential areas from being near noisy industrial areas.

  • Noise Barriers: Set up barriers to block or absorb road and industrial site noises.

  • Vehicular Controls: Implement noise emission limits for vehicles and promote quieter engines and quieter tyres.

  • Soundproofing: Soundproof buildings use soundproof materials for noise reduction.

  • Public Awareness: Educate the public about the effects of noise pollution and promote quieter behaviour.

  • Noise Control at Source: Quietening of engines, plants, and machinery, along with frequent servicing, that is, keeping them in good working order, will help reduce the noise.

  • Green Spaces: Increase green spaces within urban areas to serve as noise buffers, absorbing sound.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is noise pollution?

Noise pollution can be defined as sound that is undesirable or hurts carrying out activities or the spaces and time that ought to be free from noise. It originates from several sources and in as much as it is an essential component of the ecosystems, it is fatal to human beings, wild animals, and the environment.

2. How does noise pollution affect human health?

Noise pollution affects human health in several ways: Noise pollution affects human health in several ways:

  • Hearing damage: Contact with loud sound for an extended period has potential risks of inflicting a permanent hearing disability.

  • Cardiovascular effects: This constant exposure is known to have long-term effects on high blood pressure, stress hormones, and cardiovascular diseases.

  • Sleep disturbances: That indicates that noise interferes with sleep and this commonly leads to cases of insomnia that ultimately affect the general wellbeing of the affected.

  • Mental health impacts: Effects of chronic noises are anxiety, irritability and a hard time focusing on any task that is being done.

3. What are the main sources of noise pollution?

The main sources of noise pollution include: The main sources of noise pollution include:

  • Transportation: Intrusive sounds may be from road traffic, railway operations, and even aircraft noise.

  • Industrial activities: From factory machines and manufacturing equipment to construction areas and construction sites.

  • Urban areas: Another includes social events through social speaking, loudspeakers and other household activities.

  • Household sources: Owning appliances, neighbours’ tunes, and general vicinity racket.

4. How can noise pollution be controlled?

Noise pollution can be controlled through various measures:

  • Regulations: Policing radio/television programs, and Cinemas among other areas, checking and arresting individuals and groups causing noise pollution through the horns and loudspeakers, motorcycles, bicycles, cars, trucks, machines, and industries.

  • Technological solutions: Employing inferior and obscured equipment noises alongside instituting soundproofing in construction structures and vehicles.

  • Urban planning: Having noise barriers along roads, provisions of green areas, and setting regions where restriction of noise can be implemented well in cities.

  • Education and awareness: Lobbying for noise control measures and encouraging people to take an active participation in the noise control measures of their community.

5. What are the effects of noise pollution on the environment?

Noise pollution impacts the environment in several ways:

  • Wildlife disturbance: Eco-acoustics has suggested that loud noise impacts animal signalling, feeding, and mating, causing significant variation in species richness.

  • Ecosystem disruption: Noise pollution degrades environments such that one may mention changes in the species distribution of an ecosystem.

  • Urban ecology: Excessive noise in cities impacts urban fauna by altering their environmental conditions for the worse and in effect, causes stress in their systems.


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