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Fajan’s Rule

Fajan’s Rule

Edited By Shivani Poonia | Updated on Sep 18, 2024 10:13 PM IST


Fajans' Rule is one of the most important and intrinsic concepts in chemistry, simply because it tells a lot about the nature of the chemical bond, more precisely about the transition from ionic to covalent bonds. Presented by Polish chemist Kazimierz Fajans in 1923, this rule has been of much help in presenting a systematic approach toward the factors that impact the characteristics of bonds formed between atoms. The essential postulate of Fajans' Rule is that the degree of covalency in what is normally considered to be an ionic bond can vary enormously depending on the size and charge of the ions involved.

The two basic ideas on which this rule is based are those of polarizing power and polarizability. Polarizing power is the degree to which a cation can distort the electron cloud of an anion, while polarizability refers to how easily the electron cloud of an anion could be distorted. If there is a small, highly charged cation that interacts with some larger, easily polarizable anion, then the bond formed may have considerable covalent character. This knowledge acquires a very important dimension in the prediction of bond behavior and most other chemical phenomena defining compounds: solubility, reactivity, and stability.

An important application is Fajans' Rule in materials science, where the properties of ionic compounds have to be tuned for many applications. For example, designing new materials typically requires subtle understanding of how ionic and covalent characteristics influence physical properties, like melting points and conductivity. In that direction, the understanding of the interaction of drug molecules with biological systems in pharmaceutical chemistry is placed in better perspective by having Fajans' Rule, thus impacting on drug design and efficacy. The paper shall dwell on the underlying principles of Fajans' Rule, its dimensions, and its relevance in real life, with a comprehensive approach to how these concepts interact in chemical bonding.

Real-Life Applications of Fajans' Rule

Fajans' Rule stretches beyond the realm of academic circles into practical applications in most areas of science.

Chemical Behavior Prediction

This will help materials scientists exploit knowledge of the covalent nature of some particular ionic compound when guiding the development of new materials with the required properties. For example, one can use Fajans' Rule to predict solubility and melting points in salts. It should hence be expected that the compounds will be progressively less water-soluble, like silver halides, that is, AgF, AgCl, AgBr, AgI, with increasing anion size, which can also be attributed to the increasing polarization of the anions. Knowledge such as this plays a vital role in industries whose applications rely on specific properties in materials, whether in electronics or construction.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry

In pharmaceutical chemistry, drug molecules largely interact with biological systems through ionic and covalent interactions. Thus, Fajans' Rule becomes very useful in explaining how drugs will behave in a biological environment and, therefore, in their action and absorption rates. For example, if one is designing drugs to act on some receptors in the body, one must optimize by understanding the ionic and covalent interactions at play to ensure effective treatments with reduced side effects.

Environmental Chemistry: Knowing the bonding nature of the pollutants is useful in understanding their fate when introduced into natural systems. For example, the covalent nature of some metal ions may influence their mobility and hence bioavailability in soils and water systems. It is very useful in assessing the environment for possible impacts of industrial processes and also in devising strategies to mitigate pollution.

Another important application of Fajans' Rule is in the classroom as a pedagogical tool for further instruction on chemical bonding. The various subtleties of ionic and covalent interactions can fruitfully be used to make core concepts of chemistry clearer to students at a basic level, thereby furthering their education on higher levels.

The covalent character in ionic bonds is determined by Fajan’s rule. It simply says that no ionic bond is completely ionic, there is always some covalent character in ionic bond. When a cation approaches an anion, then the electron cloud of the anion is distorted and shifted towards the cation, this distortion is known as the polarisation of the anion.

The ability of the cation to distort the anion is known as polarising power and the ability of the anion to get distorted is known as polarisability.

The covalent character in ionic bonds depends on the following factors:

  • Size of the cation: The smaller the size of the cation, the larger will be its polarisability.

  • Size of the anion: The larger the size of the anion, the larger will be its polarisability.

  • Charge on cation and anion: The more the charge on a cation more polarising power. Further, the more the charge on an anion, the more will be its polarisability.

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Thus covalent character for chlorides follows this order:{NaCl}<{MgCl}2<{AlCl}3

In this case, the charge on the cation increases, thus its polarising power also increases.

Further, for cation size, the covalent character follows the below order:{LiCl}>{NaCl}>{KCl}>{CsCl}

In this case, as the size of the cation increases, its polarising power decreases.

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Some Solved Examples

Example 1
Which one is the least ionic in the following compounds?
1) AgCl
2) KCl
3) NaCl
4) CsCl

Solution: The covalent character in ionic bonds is greater when the size of the cation is smaller and the charge on the cation is greater. Since Ag+ has a pseudo-noble gas configuration, AgCl will have the greatest covalent character. Hence, the answer is option (1) AgCl.

Example 2
Arrange the following in decreasing order of covalent character: LiCl, KCl, NaCl, RbCl.
1) KCl > LiCl > NaCl > RbCl
2) NaCl > KCl > LiCl > RbCl
3) LiCl > NaCl > KCl > RbCl
4) RbCl > NaCl > KCl > LiCl

Solution: The more the polarisation, the more the covalent character. As the size of the cation increases, the ability of the cation to distort the electron cloud of the anion decreases, resulting in a decrease in polarisation and covalent character. Therefore, the order is LiCl > NaCl > KCl > RbCl. Hence, the answer is option (3).

Example 3
Polarisability of halide ions increases in the order:
1) F-, I-, Br-, Cl-
2) Cl-, Br-, I-, F-
3) I-, Br-, Cl-, F-
4) F-, Cl-, Br-, I-

Solution: The polarisability of any anion is dependent on its size and charge. The greater the size, the greater the polarisability. Therefore, the correct order is F- Cl-, Br-, I-. Hence, the answer is option (4).

Example 4
Arrange the following in the decreasing order of their covalent character: (A) LiCl, (B) NaCl, (C) KCl, (D) CsCl.
1) (A) > (C) > (B) > (D)
2) (B) > (A) > (C) > (D)
3) (A) > (B) > (C) > (D)
4) (A) > (B) > (D) > (C)

Solution: Covalent character increases with the increase in charge density of the cation. Therefore, the order of covalent characters is LiCl > NaCl > KCl > RbCl. Hence, the answer is option (3).


In other words, Fajans' Rule is one of the important theories explaining the nature of chemical bonds, mainly with respect to the transition of ionic to covalent character. It was based on factors affecting polarizing power and polarizability dependent upon the size and charge of cations and anions. Coupled with this rule, there are three main postulates that provide a guideline for assessing the covalency character of ionic bonds; therefore, it has important implications for materials science, pharmaceutical chemistry, and environmental studies.

Knowing the bond parameters in terms of order, resonance, and resonance hybrids reveals a great deal of appreciation regarding the complexities that exist in chemical bonding and its relevance in our lives. The ability to predict how substances will behave according to their ionic and covalent characteristics not only deepens the understanding of chemical interactions but also bears on their practical applications in many varied fields. In the final count, it is precisely this that Fajans' Rule does: the building of a bridge between theoretical chemistry and its applications in practice shows very clearly the deep impact of chemical bonding on scientific research and everyday life.


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