KMnO4 - Overview, Application, Effects, Properties & Uses, FAQs

KMnO4 - Overview, Application, Effects, Properties & Uses, FAQs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 29, 2022 03:57 PM IST


An inorganic compound with the chemical formula KMnO4 compound name is or KMnO4 chemical name potassium permanganate is composed of potassium ions and manganese ions. Despite its name, this crystallized salt shows purple when dissolved in water. The strong oxidizing properties of potassium permanganate make it a popular oxidizing agent in the chemical industry and are also used to treat dermatitis, disinfect wounds, and clean them. This medicine is in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, which is a list of the safest and most effective medications required by a health system. Around 30,000 tons of the product were produced globally in 2000.

This Story also Contains
  1. KMnO4
  2. KMnO4 Potassium permanganate uses
  3. Treatment of water
  4. Synthesis of the Organic Compounds
  5. Analytical Applications
  6. Potassium Permanganate - KMnO4 preparation
  7. Potassium Permanganate KMnO4 Physical Properties
  8. Permanganate Of Potassium Chemical Properties
  9. Health Effects

KMnO4 Potassium permanganate uses

Permanganate's oxidizing properties are exploited in almost all applications. KMnO4 serves a wide variety of niche applications due to its strong oxidant properties and lack of toxic byproducts.

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Medical potassium permanganate uses

Several skin conditions can be treated with potassium permanganate. The foot can become infected with fungus, impetigo, pemphigus, superficial wounds, dermatitis, and tropical ulcers. World Health Organization-listed essential medicines are the safest and most effective medicines needed by a healthcare system.

Treatment of water

In the water treatment industry, potassium permanganate is widely used. A "Manganese Greensand" filter removes iron and hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell) from well water by utilizing this chemical. Additionally, "Pot-Perm" can be obtained at pool supply stores and is used to treat wastewater. The pink color is achieved when the chemical is used to disinfect water historically. It is now used in freshwater collections and treatment systems as a tool for controlling nuisance organisms like zebra mussels.

Synthesis of the Organic Compounds

The synthesis of organic compounds is one of the major applications of KMnO4. It is necessary to synthesize considerable amounts of ascorbic acid, chloramphenicol, saccharin, nicotinic acid, and pyridinium acid. The presence of unsaturation is determined by using KMnO4 in qualitative organic analysis honor of the German organic chemist Adolf von Baeyer, it is sometimes called Baeyer's reagent.

Sodium permanganate solutions are used as reagents. A positive test is also given by aldehydes and formic acid (and formats). Tests like this are outdated.

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Analytical Applications

Quantitative determination of total oxidizable organic material in aqueous samples can be accomplished with potassium permanganate. Permanganate value refers to the value determined. KMnO4 oxidizing titrants, such as permanganate solutions, are used occasionally in analytical chemistry (permanganate).

The solution becomes a light shade of magenta as potassium permanganate is titrated, whereas it darkens as too much titrant is added. The Kappa number of wood pulp is also determined using this reagent. Oxalic acid is often used as a reduction agent for the standardization of KMnO4 solutions. While stationary source emissions testing, KMnO4 dilutes aqueous, acidic solutions of mercury to collect gaseous mercury from flue gas. Historically, potassium permanganate was used to bleach histology tissues.

Potassium Permanganate - KMnO4 preparation

Sodium permanganate is typically prepared commercially by mixing sodium hydroxide and powdered manganese oxide with potash and oxidizing agents. This mixture is heated and evaporated in iron pans until a pasty consistency is achieved; then the residue is cooled.

6KOH + 3MnO2 + 6KClO3 → 3K2MnO4 + 6KCl + 3H2O

A large amount of potassium manganate (green) is created by boiling it with water and flowing it through chlorine, CO2, and ozonated air stream. This process creates permanganate. To prevent premature breakdown of permanganate, continuous removal of MnO2 is carried out.

This equation is 6MnO4 + 3Cl2 → 6KMnO4 (Potassium permanganate) + 6KCl

Any concentrate of MnO2 that crystallizes and precipitates becomes dissolved in KMnO4. The potassium permanganate crystals are centrifuged and dried.

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Potassium Permanganate KMnO4 Physical Properties

  1. The solid is odorless and violet to magenta in color.

  2. Several solvents can dissolve it, including water, acetone, acetic acid, methanol, and pyridine.

  3. Organic solvents like ethanol and chloroform dissolve it.

  4. There are monoclinic prisms of potassium permanganate, which have a shimmering blue metallic luster.

  5. There is no odor to it. Sweetish astringent taste is characteristic of an aqueous solution. A water-soluble compound, it dissolves even more in boiling water.

Permanganate Of Potassium Chemical Properties

  1. Permanganate is a very potent oxidizing agent, and so it is very suitable for a wide range of chemical reactions.

  2. Perform a redox reaction with potassium permanganate to demonstrate its oxidizing power.

  3. A dark purple solution becomes colorless and then turns brown.

  4. An acid medium or a basic medium may be used to perform the above reaction.


Potassium permanganate

Compound Name

Potassium manganate (VII)

The density of Potassium permanganate

2.703 g/cm3

Atomic Weight/Molecular Weight of Potassium permanganate

158.034 g/mol

Potassium permanganate Melting Point


Storing Temperature of Potassium permanganate

Room temperature

Oxygenation State


Potassium permanganate Melting Point


Health Effects

Human eyes and skin are irritated by potassium permanganate in concentrated form. However, it is inflammable and reacts with numerous reducing agents and organic materials.

KMnO4 inhibits bacteria or tissue from producing new proteins by oxidizing them. When exposed to it, the skin or tissues become stained.

In addition, it produces destructive oxidation, which makes it impossible to use in organic matter.

The potassium permanganate antidote is efficient against barbiturates, chloral hydrate, and alkaloids. One-tenth of a percent permanganate in a stomach wash dissolves poisons and prevents them from being digested.

It is usually tightly sealed in containers that contain this compound. Potassium permanganate should be handled with great caution as on contact with readily oxidizable materials it provides an explosive reaction.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. 1. Calculate the potassium permanganate formula/chemical formula of potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate has the chemical formula KMnO4.

2. 2. The oxidizing agent permanganate is useful. Why?

Elemental properties become more electronegative as their oxidation states increase. In this way, permanganate functions as an oxidizing agent.

3. 3. Permanganate potassium can be used in two ways.

Potassium permanganate has two main potassium permanganate uses or KMnO4 uses:
A variety of skin disorders can be treated with it, such as foot fungal infection
Chemical industries use it to oxidize materials.

4. 4.How does potassium permanganate look like?

The physical state of potassium permanganate is that of an odourless solid. Potassium permanganate crystals of dark purple or bronze potassium permanganate colour appear to be present. The purple potassium permanganate colour of this solution is caused by the potassium permanganate crystals being dissolved in potassium permanganate in water.

5. 5. Self-indicating KMnO4: Why is it useful?

Once the reaction is completed, the pink potassium permanganate colour of the solution under examination disappears. As a result, potassium permanganate is used as a self-indicator as it not only serves as a chemical indicator but is also the reactant of the reaction.


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