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Solubility and Henry's Law: Definition, Formula, Questions and Examples

Solubility and Henry's Law: Definition, Formula, Questions and Examples

Edited By Shivani Poonia | Updated on Sep 18, 2024 12:36 PM IST


The significance of gases in manipulating the liquidity property is often considered to be of prime importance to most scientific studies or applications. One of the basic principles dealing with this condition is that of Henry's Law, which tries to establish the solubility of a gas in a liquid under conditions of contributions exerted by the pressure of a gas over the liquid. This particular law was given in the year 1803 by British chemist William Henry. This clearly states that the amount of gas that dissolves in a liquid at a given constant temperature is said to be directly proportional to the partial pressure of that given gas that comes in contact with the liquid. It harbors mammoth and vast ramifications in the fields of chemistry, environmental science, and engineering.

Yep, Henry's Law may be written mathematically as follows:


- C is the concentration of the dissolved gas,
- kH is Henry's Law constant, different for a given gas-liquid combination,
- P is the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid.

This expression reveals the direct proportionality of the partial pressure of gas and its concentration in the liquid. More molecules of the gas are entering into the liquid, increasing solubility.
If the pressure is decreased, then the gas molecules leave the liquid and solubility will decrease. To get this relationship, Henry's Law is valid under the following conditions usually, the gas must not chemically react badly with the solvent mainly because of equilibrium one must not forget another important factor: the temperature. The increase in temperature leads to a decrease in gas solubility in a liquid—a gold-ruler truth in physical chemistry, environmental science, and the majority of engineering fields.

This work focuses on elaborating the concept of solubility and Henry's Law, along with the presentation: of what it is, its multidimensional nature, and its application in real life. We will draw on examples from carbonated beverages to diving to show just how this very basic principle impacts both us and the natural world. By the end of this paper, readers will come to appreciate much more fully the importance of Henry's Law and its applications that can be derived for use in both academic and practical fields.

Understanding Henry's Law

Some dimensions of Henry's Law underline its importance.

1. Solubility of Gases in Different Liquids: Many of the gases are differentially soluble in different solvents. To illustrate as a point of interest, carbon dioxide is some 50 times more soluble compared to oxygen in water and the relative discrepancy of their solubility is one of the controlling factors of aquatic life. That may in general be quantified in use of constants of Henry's law, which between one gas-solvent pair and another do vary.

2. Temperature Effects: Higher temperatures reduce solubility remarkably. For instance, hot water holds less dissolved gas than cold water. A temperature change would thus actuate aquatic ecosystems. Understanding this relationship to temperature is important for understanding natural water bodies and their health.

3. Industrial Applications: For these applications, the vast usage of Henry's law lies in industrial points such as of beverage manufacturing, wastewater treatment processes, etc. The carbonization of soft drinks with CO2 under high pressure, which is released when the can is opened and contributes to the fizzing of the drink; in wastewater treatment processes, knowledge of the solubility of gas is necessary for the removal of harmful gases.

4. Environmental Effects: Henry's Law sees a lot of application in environmental science studies, particularly about the capacity of CO2 and O2 gases to handle oceans and lakes. This becomes very crucial information while studying the phenomenon of climate change and its effects on aquatic environments.

Henry’s Law:

Henry was the first to give a quantitative relation between the pressure and solubility of a gas in a solvent. The law states that at a constant temperature, the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas present above the surface of the liquid or solution. If the solubility of gas is expressed in terms of its mole fraction in the solution, then it can be said that the mole fraction of gas in the solution is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas over the solution. Alternatively, the most commonly used form of Henry’s law states that “the partial pressure of the gas in vapor phase (P) is proportional to the mole fraction of the gas (x) in the solution” and is expressed as:


Here KH is the Henry’s law constant and has the same units as the units of pressure used in the equation. It can be seen that the plot between the partial pressure of the gas versus the mole fraction of the gas in solution will be a straight-line plot as shown in the figure given below.

Factors governing the value of KH:

Different gases have different KH values at the same temperature. Also, the same gas has different values of KH at different temperatures which is shown in the table given below. The factors governing the value of Henry’s constant are given below

  1. Nature of gas-solvent interaction

As gas-solvent interactions become stronger, the solubility will increase keeping the pressure constant and thus the value of KH will decrease. For example, HCl has a lower value of Henry’s constant as compared to O2

  1. Temperature:

As the temperature increases, the solubility of the gas decreases, and hence keeping the pressure constant for the same gas, the value of KH will increase.

























Carbon dioxide









Vinyl chloride



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Most gases obey Henry’s law provided they are not highly soluble in the solvent and do not chemically react with it.

Applications in Real Life

There are several applications of the law, through which the import of Henry's Law as a theoretical and practical concept is justified.

Carbonated Beverage

The most frequent application of Henry's Law is probably in making carbonated beverages. For this, producers dissolve carbon dioxide gas in the liquid at high pressure. When the bottle is sealed, the gas gets dissolved in it. As the bottle is uncorked, the pressure decreases and the gas is released to bubble. Not only does this process make the drink taste and feel better, but it also demonstrates some of the principles associated with the solubility of gases.

Scuba Diving

When we go scuba diving, Henry's Law is what explains the behavior of the gases under pressure. The more pressure, the more nitrogen gas dissolves in a diver's blood the deeper down they go. If divers rise too quickly, the pressure could drop low enough for the nitrogen to form bubbles in the blood. This can be a very dangerous condition, often called decompression sickness or "the bends." Divers manage this risk through their ascent rates and required decompression stops, a very practical application of Henry's Law related to safety.

Aquatic Ecosystems

Henry's Law also has an important place regarding aquatic ecosystems. For instance, the level of oxygen solubility in water contributes to the substance of fish populations and other aquatic life. Warmer temperatures in water reduce the solubility of oxygen, so when this occurs, the onset of anoxia takes hold. One of the consequences may be hypoxia, which can be lethal to aquatic life. The dynamics working here have large implications for works of conservation on environmental health and water management in lakes and rivers.

Henry's Law is involved in realizing the dissolution of gases that are necessary for most industrial processes and treatment procedures, such as waste treatment and chemical production. For instance, in biological treatment, the concentration of dissolved oxygen is regulated in such setups so that aerobic bacteria, which assist in the biological degradation of organic matter, can sustain life. Exploiting Henry's Law, engineers can design such systems to keep optimal gas concentrations, hence increasing the efficiency of treatments.

Applications of Henry’s law:

(1) Soda bottle fizzes when opened: When the soda bottle is opened, then the pressure decreases in the bottle. Now, due to this decrease in pressure, the solubility of gas decreases. Now if we leave this bottle open for some time, then all fizz goes out and we do not feel the drinking.

(2) Anoxia at higher altitudes: This is the condition of tiredness and mental confusion at higher altitudes. At higher altitudes, pressure decreases and thus the solubility of oxygen gas in the body decreases which causes anoxia.

(3) Avoiding Bends in Scuba divers: When scuba divers go deep into the ocean, then pressure increases. Now due to this increase in pressure, the solubility of gases in the blood increases. Further, when these divers come up at the sea level, then pressure decreases, and the solubility of gases in the blood decreases. Due to this decrease in solubility, the gases come out of the capillaries in the form of bubbles which causes a serious medical condition called bends. To avoid bends, Helium is used in the diving tanks

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Some Solved Examples

Example 1
Question: From the given KH value, which of the following gases has the highest solubility in water?
Gas KH Value in K-bar
1)CO2: 1.67
2)N2: 80
3)Formaldehyde: 1.83 times 10-5
4) CH4: 0.413

Solution: Gases with higher KH values have lower solubility. Among the options, Formaldehyde has the lowest KH value, indicating it has the highest solubility in water. Therefore, the correct answer is Formaldehyde.

Example 2
Question: The solubility product of Cr(OH)3 at 298 K is 6.0 times 10-31 . What is the concentration of hydroxide ions in a saturated solution of Cr(OH)3 ?
1) (18×10−31)1/2
2) (2.22×10−31)1/4
3) (18×10−31)1/4
4) (4.86×10−29)1/4

Solution: The dissociation of Cr(OH)3 can be represented as Cr(OH)3→Cr+3+3OH− . The solubility product is given by Ksp=s(3s)3=27s4 . Setting this equal to 6.0×10−31 and solving for s gives s=(6.027×10−31)1/4 . The concentration of hydroxide ions is [OH−]=3s=3×(6.027×10−31)1/4=(18×10−31)1/4 . Thus, the correct answer is option 3.

Example 3
Question: Which one of the following statements regarding Henry's law is not correct?
1) The higher the value of KH at a given pressure, the higher the solubility of the gas in the liquids.
2) Different gases have different KH values at the same temperature.
3) The mole fraction of the gas in the solution in the vapor phase is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas.
4) The value of KH increases with the increase in temperature.

Solution: The incorrect statement is option 1. According to Henry's law, a higher KH value indicates lower solubility of the gas in the liquid. Therefore, the correct answer is option 1.

Example 4
Question: For the solution of the gases w, x, y, and z in water at 298 K, Henry's law constants (KH) are 0.5, 2, 35, and 40 kbar, respectively. Which plot correctly represents the given data?
1) Correct
2) Incorrect
3) Incorrect
4) Incorrect

Solution: The correct plot would show a negative slope since KH values are inversely related to solubility. The gas with the highest KH will have the lowest solubility, leading to a downward trend. Therefore, the correct answer is option 1.

Example 5
Question: On increasing the temperature, the value of KH will:
1) Increase
2) Decrease
3) Remain the same
4) Either increase or decrease

Solution: As the temperature increases, the solubility of gases generally decreases, leading to an increase in the value of KH. Thus, the correct answer is option 1.


Henry's law is one of the basic propositions for the relationship of gas solubility with partial pressure and has very important implications in several areas. From carbonated soft drinks and concerns for scuba diver safety to the health of aquatic ecosystems and uses in industry, this law underlines much of both our daily lives and scientific research. The finer the understanding of the principles behind Henry's Law and its applications, the more undeniable the need for the natural world and viable environments. To learn further about the kind of complexity that gas shows when it becomes dissolved in liquids leaves no doubt that Henry's Law will continue to come out in the results of important considerations both in scientific research and practical applications.

Among the principles that govern gas solubility in liquids, Henry's Law is one of the most important, with wide applicability. The law, which goes by the name of William Henry, was formulated in the year 1803. This law states that the quantity of gas dissolving at a constant temperature in a liquid is directly proportional to its partial pressure above the liquid. This relationship is usually defined mathematically as
where C is the concentration of the dissolved gas, kH is a constant defined by Henry's Law for a particular gas and P is the partial pressure of the gas.

With the present article, we have traveled across several dimensions of Henry's Law: the solubility of gases in numerous solvents, the temperature dependency of its behavior, a few industrial uses, and environmental applications. We also studied some real cases where this principle was practically applied: carbonation in fluids, human safety with scuba diving, aquatic ecosystem dynamics, and industrial processes, such as wastewater treatment.

Consequently, with the knowledge of the law of Henry and its applications, it is quite adorable how there is tremendous balance in nature and the insatiable need for the protection of healthy environments. The more we look into particular studies regarding gas behavior in liquids, the more it will be a great pillar of scientific question and application with tremendous implications for our way of life and the world around us.


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