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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Food Microbiology programme explores the world of microorganisms and the science behind contamination caused by their growth. Considering the possibility of microorganisms being both beneficial and harmful, it becomes important to study the key aspect of Microbiology side by side-Food Safety. The programme is beneficial for individuals who wish to delve deep into the domain.

The course focuses on varied learning objectives including the important genera of microorganisms associated with food and their characteristics, the role of microorganisms in food spoilage, techniques for enumeration and control of microorganisms in food, food fermentation, and ultimately foodborne diseases. The motive of the programme turns out to provoke the thoughts of learners on microbiological quality control to improve food quality in households and outdoors by devising ways for the same.

The course also maintains a close connection with legal obligations and provisions which are an inseparable part of public policy and food safety. Candidates will acquire insights on the present national and international food safety regulations and rules. Not only this, but they would also gain practical experience of deploying microbiological risk assessment tools for assessment of microbiological risks in the food sector.

The Highlights

  • 15 weeks course duration 
  • Postgraduate level programme 
  • Multidisciplinary offering 
  • Certification provided by Swayam 
  • The certificate is Government approved
  • The platform created by MHRD 
  • 100% free learning programme

Programme Offerings

  • Reading Material
  • Presentation Slides
  • video lectures
  • assignments

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
yesCentral University of Haryana, Mahendergarh
  • Since the Food Microbiology and Food Safety Certification Programme has been formulated under SWAYAM to provide freely accessible education, this course comes without a fee.

Fee Details for Food Microbiology and Food Safety Certification Programme


Amount in Rupees

Course Fee

Not applicable

Eligibility Criteria


Food Microbiology and Food Safety Certification Programme can only be pursued by applicants who are pursuing their post-graduation in Food Safety or Food Microbiology from a recognized college or university.

Certification Qualifying Details

Candidates will have to abide by the guidelines released by SWAYAM board to qualify for the certification after successful completion of the course.

What you will learn

Knowledge of Microbiology

Food Microbiology and Food Safety Certification Programme serves as an ideal online learning programme for an elaborate depiction of factors determining food safety, legal provisions and aspects of Microbiology. By pursuing this course, learners will obtain insights on the following-

  • Role of different microorganisms in food spoilage, foodborne diseases and food fermentation.
  • Candidates will get in-depth learning about the diversified and different investigation procedures that ensure food hygiene and food safety
  • They will learn about the scope of food microbiology and the extent to which food safety can be adhered to 
  • The food safety rules and regulations, Microbiological Risk Assessment and Food Safety Management System.
  • They will get a holistic exposure to the techniques and methodologies for enumeration of microbes in order to preserve the food.

Who it is for

Admission Details

Applicants interested in registering for Food Microbiology and Food Safety Certification Programme need to follow some simple instructions once online admissions for the course get activated-

Step 1: Visit the course webpage and log in / register on SWAYAM.

Step 2: Once enrollment for the course begins, candidates would be able to see the option of “Join” on the page via which they will have to enter their personal information as requested.

Step 3: After this, they need to click on “Review and Join Course” to finalise their registration.

The Syllabus

  • Introduction to Food Microbiology and Food Safety
  • Microflora of Food
  • Intrinsic Factors Affecting Microbial Growth and Survival in Food

  • Extrinsic Factors Affecting Microbial Growth and Survival in Food
  • Microbiological Examination of Food
  • Advances in Isolation and Enumeration of Microorganisms in Food

  • Principles of Food Preservation and Significance
  • Preservation of Food by Physical Methods – Low and High Temperatures
  • Preservation of Food by Physical Methods – Radiations

  • Preservation of Food by Chemical Methods
  • Biopreservation of Food
  • Assignment-I

  • Modified Environment for Storage of Food
  • Fermentative Microorganisms as Food and Value-Added Product
  • Lactic Fermentation in Food

  • Yeast-Lactic Fermentation in Food
  • Mold-Lactic Fermentation in Food
  • Starter Cultures for Food Fermentation

  • Fermented Milk
  • Fermented Milk Products
  • Fermented Juice, Vegetables and other Beverages

  • Fermented Meat
  • Fermented Fish Products
  • Assignment-II

  • Introduction to Food Spoilage
  • Spoilage of Fruits, Vegetables, and their Products
  • Spoilage of Dairy Products

  • Spoilage of Canned Food
  • Spoilage of Bakery and Egg Products
  • Spoilage of Meat, Fish, and Sea Food

  • Newer Methods for Controlling Spoilage of Food
  • Predictive Modelling for Food Spoilage
  • Assignment-III

  • Foodborne Outbreaks- Bacterial Agents for Foodborne Illnesses
  • Fungal and Algal Agents for Foodborne Illnesses
  • Foodborne Animal Parasites

  • Investigation of Foodborne Illnesses Outbreaks
  • Indicators of Food Microbial Quality and Safety
  • Principles and Applications of Hurdle Technology in Food Industry

  • Principles of Hygiene and Sanitation in Food Service Establishment.
  • Food Safety Laws 
  • Food Safety and Quality Management System

  • Principles and Guidelines for Conducting Microbiological Risk of Food
  • Revision of the course
  • Final assessment/Term-end examination

Evaluation process

Individuals willing to avail the certification Food Microbiology and Food Safety Certification Programme need to check the guidelines issued by SWAYAM regarding the same.


Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: How can candidates create an account on SWAYAM?

Candidates need to go on the course page and click on “Sign in/Register”. Thereafter, they can either link their Google or Facebook account to SWAYAM portal or register on SWAYAM itself by entering the necessary information.

2: Will the certification examination be conducted online or offline?

Examination for certification will be held offline at designated centers. However, the registration for examination has to be done via online mode.

3: What to do if a candidate is not able to understand video lectures?

Candidates can go through the transcript of the videos provided underneath. Reading material provided to them will give a better understanding.

4: What are the different learning techniques used throughout Food Microbiology and Food Safety Certification Programme?

Case study discussion, animation, in-text quizzes, discussion forums, demonstrations are some of the unique methods of pedagogy provided in the modules.

5: What is the internal assessment like?

The internal assessment could be formative to instigate critical thinking and reflection; supplemented with summative assessments including graded quizzes, peer assessments or proctored examination.

6: Who is the instructor of Food Microbiology and Food Safety Certification Programme?

Dr. Tejpal Dhewa, Coordinator at Food Safety Training and Certification (FoSTaC) Centre, FSSAI is the instructor of the course.

7: Can candidates who have not begun with their post-graduation pursue the course?

No, the course is strictly for students who are currently pursuing their Masters in the present domain or have passed it.

8: How are the assignments like?

The assignments could be in the form of MCQs which are graded and the score is displayed immediately on submission and added to the “Progress” tab.

9: How will learners get notified once the admission opens?

Learners can visit the course link for deadlines and activation of the option of “Join” once the registration resumes.



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