I am studying class 12.how can I score 600 above in neet by starting preparation from now.
NEET syllabus:
The Syllabus for Physics Includes:
Physical World and Measurement
Laws of Motion
Work, Energy and Power
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid body
Properties of Bulk Matter
Behaviour of perfect gas and kinetic theory
Oscillation of waves
Current Electricity
Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
Electromagnetic waves
Dual Nature of matter and radiation
Atoms and nuclei
Electronic devices
Best Books:
NCERT Physics Class XI & Class XII
Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma
Objective Physics By DC Pandey
Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker
Fundamental Physics by Pradeep
Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov
Preparation tips:
Physics needs utmost focus and time because it involves with theoretical concepts and numbers. There should be a systematic approach in preparing for NEET. The important topics are Mechanics, ElectroDynamics, Modern Physics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, Simple Harmonic Motion, Waves. Formulae form an integral part of your preparation. Memorise as many formulae as you can and write them down and stick them as post its so that you can always see them. Practise regularly and try various kinds of questions. Solving previous papers and mock tests to test your improvement. Keep a clock and check the time its taking you to solve these questions. And improve the time as you practise more. One day of the week should be set aside for revision so as to keep the mind fresh. For reading what the toppers and experts have to say, please visit our page at: https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/how-prepare-for-neet-physics/amp
Syllabus for Chemistry Includes:
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Structure of Atom
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
State of Matter: Gases and Liquids
S-block Element
Some p-block Elements
Organic Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry
Chemical Kinetics
Surface Chemistry
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
D and F Block Elements
Coordination Compounds
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Biomolecules, Polymers and Chemistry in Everyday life
Chemistry Best Books:
NCERT Chemistry textbooks for Class XI and XII
Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon
ABC of Chemistry for Classes 11 and 12 by Modern
Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee
Dinesh Chemistry Guide
Practise books by VK Jaiswal, MS Chauhan and N Awasthi
Preparation tips:
Chemistry is divided into Inorganic, Physical and Organic chemistry. For inorganic chemistry, you must refer to the NCERT. Organic comprises of many reactions and reagents which can be practised by writing over and over again. Physical chemistry requires a comparatively deeper understanding of concepts, so preparing with the NCERT and referring to study material a level higher than NCERT should be the way to go. For more information, please visit our page at:
Syllabus for Biology includes:
Diversity in Living world
Structural Organization in Animal and Plants
Cell Structure and Function
Plant Physiology
Human Physiology
Genetics and Evolution
Biology and Human Welfare
Biotechnology and its applications
Ecology and Environment
Biology Best Books:
NCERT Biology Class XI and Class XII textbooks
Biology Vol 1 and Vol 2 by Trueman
Objective Biology by Dinesh
Objective Botany by Ansari
Pradeep Guide on Biology
GR Bathla publications for Biology
Preparation tips:
Biology is the biggest section in NEET, comprising about half of the exam, and acing this subject can help you in scoring more in the exam. Human Physiology and Genetics have maximum weightage in NEET. It is advisable to practise questions of Genetics from previous year question papers, which will give you a thorough understanding of how the questions are being asked. Topics of Plant and Animal kingdom have a lot of portion to memorize. You can prepare these topics by making a comparative table for the sub-topics and studying it together. Plant physiology is also equally important and easy to score. For more tips, please visit our page at:
What should be our strategy for GATE preparation in consequent years of B. TECH??
Welcome to carrers360
All student preparing for gate has different strategy so understand yourself and make your own strategy because cannot grasp anything fastly so you should categories yourself and make strategy wheather understand concept fastly or take more time to understand
So hope above information is useful for you
If you have any doubt you can comment below i am more than happy to help you out
Good luck
How can I contribute to my GATE preparation in 1 year of BTech ?
Hello Piyush Joshi
For GATE Preparations follow the following
- You must be aware about the GATE syllabus, released by the organizing IIT.
- You must go through the section-wise and topic-wise syllabus of your chosen branch in order to know what all you have to study
- Solving previous years papers is of utmost importance if you want to excel in the exam.
- Know the weightage of Topics. it is advisable and important to study the complete GATE Syllabus but do the topics that are much more important in terms of weightage given in GATE.
- Look up topper and expert tips in this regard as they do mention the books or material they have referred to.
- Make Short Notes while you study as this is will be helpful during revision. Write down Formulae that you find difficult to remember so that they are handy for revision.
Hope it helps you.
In class 10 to prepare for JEE Mains
Hello aspirant,
Great to see your enthusiasm.
You're in class 10 so concentrate on your board exams first.
DO NOT join any coaching classes now. I would advice you to buy some books. But, first complete your class 10 syllabus. Try completing it by September, 2016. Then start with Class 11 syllabus.
The first book you should buy for IIT preparation is the NCERT. Buy NCERT Physics and Chemistry. For Maths, buy R.D Sharma(CBSE). Start from ground level. Try finishing at least 50% syllabus of class 11 by the month of December. You can get a home tutor for the subjects you feel is difficult for to understand. All this time, do not forget to keep in touch with the class 10 syllabus. From January, start your revision for Boards. PLEASE, do not neglect your boards. It's your first one.
Once you finish with your boards, join the best coaching centre in your area. 2 yr classroom program. By that time, you'll be ahead of most students in your vicinity. So, keep advancing towards completing your class 11 syllabus just like before. You should also keep practising the question banks the coaching centre provides you with. Show your doubts; do not hide it because you think it's stupid.
Your goal should be to be ahead of everyone in syllabus completion: your school and your coaching centre. Do not worry about your class 11 exams. It would be fine, if you study JEE diligently.
I think that's it. You'll be in flow once you join a coaching centre in class 11. Just try follwing what I asked you to during Class 10. That would do the trick.
All the very best for your bright future!!
I currently study in class 11, can someone please help me prepare for the nda exam as I am a defence aspirant.
Hi aspirant,
Here is the basic syllabus for nda exam
MATHEMATICS: algebra, analytical geometry 2d and 3d, matrices and determinants, differential calculus, trigonometry,integral calculus and differential equations,statistics, probability and vector algebra
ENGLISH: grammar and usage, vocabulary, comprehension and cohesion
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: physics, chemistry, general science, social studies, geography and current affairs
prepare well in these sections and also a candidate has to be fit enough to get selected in the procedure. therefore exercise and be fit.
Hope this helps
ALl the best
Sir how can i prepare for jee mains simultaneously with btech 1st year in a private engineering college ,pullareddy engineering college (EEE
Hello Venu
Yes, you can prepare for jee mains with your college studies if are already sound with all the concepts. You will only be free after or 4 or5 for 5 days. So after 6 you will have to study till 10 or 11 because of the morning classes.
All the best!!
How should I prepare for JEE mains as only 4 months are remaining?
Dear aspirant,
1. This is one of the first and important tasks that you should do before the final exams.
2.Know The Syllabus.
3.Solve JEE Main Question Papers.
4. Attempt Mock Tests To Get Familiar With The Real Exam Scenario.
5.Maths,Physics,Chemistry these are the key subjects to score more marks in mains so prepare well.
I hope this information is helpful for you.
Thank you.
How to prepare fore gujcet from11 ?which books will be best for gujcet,
GUJCET exam has similar course as the JEE mains exam. And the books for JEE can help you in GUJCET as well. Some of the good books for JEE as well as GUJCETare-
- Physics by HC Verma
- Physics- DC Pandey
- Maths- RD Sharma (basics)
- Cengage series
- Chemistry- P Bahadur, Morrison and Boyd etc.
You can also try books containing previous year papers of GUJCET.
I want to prepare for cat what the things I should do for the preparation and how should I start my preparation
CAT exam paper can be Categorised into 3 parts:
Quantitative Ability
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
The Verbal Ability section and Reading Comprehension has 34 Questions, Data interpretation-Logical Reasoning section has 32 MCQ questions and Quantitative Ability has 34 MCQ questions totalling up to 100 questions. Each Question has 3 marks and a wrong answer takes away 1 mark.
First things first, know the syllabus. And go through the previous papers to analyse and prepare a comprehensive plan and set priorities according to the importance of different topics across sections.Customise your own study plan based on your strengths and weaknesses. Gauge your preparation from time to time by taking mock tests. Solve questions to check your levels of preparation but not to set any targets. Remember, its ok to have cheat days and relax. But make sure you have a plan and stick to it for the next few months because even Rome wasnt built in a day.
NCERT books will sharpen your basics and you need strong basics for preparing for any entrance examination. Once your basics are in place, because the time period for preparation is quite less, your preparation should be extensive and thorough.
Quantitative Aptitude covers almost 30% of the CAT question paper. QA can be categorised into Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Advanced Mathematics. Practise chapter by chapter and develop mental calculations. Like practise more of basic summation, subtraction, fractions and tables. Numbers, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interest, Ratio, Proportionality, Time-Distance, Time-Work, Mixtures, Averages, Partnership, Permutation and Combinations, Probability, Set Theory, Progression and Series, Line, Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Polygon, Circles, Ares, Volume, Height and Distance, Coordinate Geometry, Basic Trigonometry are few important topics.
Preparation tips:
Because this section involves mathematics and takes most of your time, your focus should be on solving the problems efficiently in the beginning. Even if it takes time, practise upto perfection. Practise as many questions as you can in the conventional way. As and when you get a grip on the subject, you can go for short cuts. Memorise tables, square roots, cube roots, conversion from percent to fraction, etc. Solve sample papers on Mathematics. In the beginning, do not worry about the time it takes. As you practise, you will get the hang of the subject and it will be easier for you.
In Verbal Ability session, command on your English, Grammar, Vocabulary, Understanding of the given paragraph are of more importance. Reading English NewsPaper will also help you in your preparation.
Preparation tips:
Read articles from time to time. Follow newspapers, magazines, and watch the news channels and browse the internet to keep yourself updated. You will need a lot of reading to help you in the comprehension section. You will need speed to help you in this section and you can achieve that only by thorough practise and reading. Take time to understand the question because most answers are interlinked.
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning needs to be practised as much as possible. Comparison of data, Data Analysis, taking clues, interpreting missing data, coming to conclusions and making future projections will be covered under this Category. The questions here are interlinked and so if you get one formula correct, cracking the next few questions will be easy. So it's important to memorise and practise formulae. You should cover topics like Data tables, Data Charts, Bar Diagrams, Pie Charts, Graphs, Data Comparison and Analysis.
Preparation tips:
As this is the most tricky section, this needs a lot of practise. Solve as many sample papers as possible to get the hang of the section. Make notes when required. Regular practise can help you understand and solve the questions easily as time goes on.
Overall,once you know the syllabus, it's easier from there on.Go through the previous papers to analyse and prepare a comprehensive plan and set priorities according to the importance of different topics across sections. Customise your own study plan based on your strengths and weaknesses. Gauge your preparation from time to time by taking mock tests. Solve questions to check your levels of preparation but not to set any targets. Remember, its ok to have cheat days and relax. But make sure you have a plan and stick to it for the next few months
You can also download free downloadable e books at:
How do we prepare for gate exam 2023 ? I am a student of b.tech (computer science engineering)
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