What is the eligibility of BA LLB at NLSIU Bangalore?
The candidates should score an Aggregate score of 45% or more in 12th standard from a recognised board (40% for SC/ST candidates) for applying for BA LLB program at NLSIU Bangalore.
What was the average salary during the NUALS Kochi BA LLB Hons placements?
The average salary during the NUALS is around 8 to 9 LPA and the placement rate is around 46% for NUALS Kochi BA LLB Hons.
What was the placement rate for BA LLB Hons students at NUALS Kochi?
According to the NIRF placement report 2021, the placement rate is great at NUALS and for BA LLB Hons is at 46 percent for the year 2020 which increased greatly in the two years. Students who finished BA LLB Hons at NUALS can expect INR 8.23 LPA.
What is the admission fee for the PG Diploma, LLM, and BA LLB programs?
The National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi admission for a BA LLB has a fee structure of around INR 2,07,000, LLM fees are around INR 1,63,000 per annum and PG Diploma fees are around INR 21,000.
How many seats are available for BA LLB (Hons)?
The availability of seats at the National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi for BA LLB(Hons) is around 120 including reservation categories.
from which university the BA LLB course in kishori Lal mahadei mahavidyalay Allahabad is affiliated
I am hoping that you are asking about Kishori Lal Mahadeyi Vidhi Mahavidyalay , Allahabad.
The Kishori Lal Mahadeyi Vidhi Mahavidyalay , Allahabad is a private institution . This college offers total 120 seats. The college is affiliated to Prof Rajendra Singh University, Prayagraj and it has the approval of the Bar Council Of India.
Hope this helps