I have passed class 12 cbse in this year with Marks as history 98, pol science 94,English 97 bengali 97 and geography 97 and already applied du admission portal . may I be admitted in BA History (Hons) at Hindu college, Hansraj college,st Stephens, Ramjas college , kirrorimal college or venky
Hello student,
As you have mentioned your marks which are really very high and it shows that you have high chance of getting admission in the mentioned north campus colleges for BA history honors. I'll give you the previous years cutoffs which will help you to get an idea about yourself.
Hindu college: 98%
St. Stephens college: 97.25%
Hansraj college: 96.5%
Ramjas college: 97.2%
Kirori mal college: 95.5%
Sri venkateshwar college: 96.5%
Though cutoffs vary every year with respect to the competition in score. But you can expect your seat in any one of these college.
All the best!
In class 11 Besides Maths, physics chemistry English and Bengali can you prefer me a optional subject that helpful in software engineering as I want to be a software engineer without computer science because our school has not this subject to read.
Hello aspirant,
Please don't consider it as a barrier...you can follow courses offered online,there you get good exposure,initially learn basics of computer science,its origin and then later programming languages,then do some coding..Follow this order and you can search in your browser for free online courses...
Hope this finds helpful..ALL THE BEST!!!
I am a bengali medium student. Which books are the best for jee according to me? Is out state board books good for jee?
see state board books of wbhse is standard , however you need to have grip over english and need to understand the terms, often students get confused of questions when ever attempting in english version papers, however it would be best if you follow arihant mcq books for practicing the questions, and also follow the previous years papers.
careers360 has jee main knockout program for students who are going to attempt jee main april session, you may join the program to boost your performances,
Which is best book for NEET/AIIMS in Bengali?? Please tell me that.
Guide to neet for medical by maity• sarkar is a Bengali book for neet exam available in Amazon.
it is just a suggestion according to me
In Mains Exam of WBCS, in paper 1 there are five options among Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali ,so you've to choose any one out of these, in case you're not comfortable with Bengali, you can choose Hindi or any one aforementioned, but there's no option of English in Paper 1, paper 2 has only option that is English. Both the paper consist of 200 marks for each.
Neet question paper previous year in bengali
Nur, please visit our page for downloadable versions of previous NEET question papers in Bengali. The questions will be given both in Bengali and English. Check them at our page: https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-question-paper . To help you with your NEET preparation, we have NEET Knockout packages that you can check at: https://learn.careers360.com/knockout-neet-may/
Is WB JEXPO conducted in English or Bengali?
JEXPO is an entrance examination conducted for admission into various diploma in technology courses offered by polytechnic institutes in the state of West Bengal.It is conducted in both english and bengali language.
Good Luck
if I choose my language as Bengali shall I be given the English question paper along with Bengali in NEET 2020 by NTA
If one chooses any language other than English for NEET examination then by default the question paper provided to him or her for neet examination is in both the language, i.e in language selected by him or her and English as well.
So,yes if you select Bengali as the medium of your neet question paper then you will get the question paper in both Bengali and English.
is neet held in bengali language
Hello Aspirant
NEET was held only in English and Hindi in 206,But after that NEET became flexible with choice of language.
So yes you can attempt NEET paper in Bengali Language,Just you should have opted for the language preference during the filling the form.
If you have done so,You can attempt NEET in Bengali!
neet question answer previous years in bengali version please give me
You can get the previous year question paper of Neet in bengali version by searching in Google. You can get the question paper in prepp .in or Shiksha or other websites. You can also download the question paper pdf online from any of the third-party website by searching in Google. Or you can go Offline by visiting any nearby 2nd Hand Book Shop and buy it from there. Thank you. Good luck.