I got 300 marks i being general category in ICAR UG. Can I get any government seat.
There are only 15% government seats reserved which is approximately 450 for pg courses and 300 for ug courses . And with a score of 300,its really hard or i say no chances to get a government seat if we see the previous year data for government seats.
To know more , follow the given link:
My icar ug 2020 St rank is 400 is I have chances to get college
Hello student,
National testing agency each year conducts Indian council of agricultural research UG entrance examination. There are all total 75 colleges which accept this scores, if you want to get in agricultural courses. You will be happy to know that in this rank as you belong to some special category you can get into some Government agriculture colleges. And it is very easy to get into private agriculture colleges. However click on the link below to know about participating colleges
which college will I get if my Icar obc rank is22000
Hi Sonali,
Under ICAR, there are myriad forms of courses, and all the courses have a different cut-off. With OBC rank 22,000 in ICAR, you can get the colleges depending on your course choice.
So, do comment in the comment section and let me know which course you are interested in so that I can help you.
All the best.
i got 202 marks in ICAR(UG)2020.I belong to SC category can i expect a government seat? I am from Andhra Pradesh
Hello Aspirant,
According to the cutoffs required this year , for SC category in order to get admission you need a score of 250-300 and above. Hence it looks like you have a low score and securing a seat in a government college would be very difficult . The seats are limited in most universities and the competition high , so you may apply and attend the counselling . Based on the seats available and the number of applicants you may get seat in low ranked college but your chances seems a little low.
All the best
sir i have scored 210 marks in icar my open rank is 31700 and my EWS rank is 3069 can i expect seat in any agriculture college with my icar rank? if yes can you please tell me the name of those colleges.
Hi aspirant!
According to your rank it is not possible to get a seat through ICAR AIEEA. ICAR AIEEA cutoff is the minimum marks required by the candidates to pass AIEEA entrance exam. Candidates clearing the set cutoff will be shortlisted by ICAR. Only those candidates who clear the set qualifying percentage will be allowed to participate in the counselling process.
The cutoff marks are prepared after the results are announced. Cutoff marks are decided based on the number of candidates appearing the exam and the total number of seats available Below is the expected 2020 cutoff based on All India quota merit list.
Category | Score | Rank |
General | 450 | 400 |
OBC | 430 | 680 |
SC | 365 | 2550 |
ST | 310 | 4550 |
Hope this helps!
Thank you!
I have scored 285 in icar (sc category).Is there any chance to get a seat in gov college kerala.
As per reports it can be estimated that for general category students a score of 300+ would be a good score for admission in ICAR colleges. Now for SC category candidates, it is expected that a score of 250-300 would be the cutoffs for top government colleges.
Based upon that you have chances for admission for government colleges in Kerala. Now wait for the cutoffs to be released.
Thank you.
got 40 marks in icar aieee exam 2020...can I attend counseling or not
You can attend counselling but there are no chances that you might get a agriculture seat in any of the colleges . As the cutoffs are generally higher and top colleges like banaras hindu university, gbpant university of agriculture and technology, ANGRAU , punjab agriculture university have cutoff of more than 350 marks .
So you can try for private colleges or apply for entrance examinations of different colleges.
Hope it helps.
i am a botany honours student can i apply icar jrf exam
Actually for ICAR JRF exam, the eligibility criteria says that the candidate must have completed the Post Graduate degree in a relevant subject discipline with a OGPA from a recognised university accredited by ICAR. Thus, you should now focus on completing the post graduate degree and then apply for the above exam.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
I get 405 marks with a rank 3620 and ews category rank 352 in ICAR UG 2020.Can I get any govt agriculture college?
Based upon the marks that you have scored, you definitely have chances for admission for government colleges in Kerala. For EWS/OBC category it can be expected that the cutoffs may be in the range of 300-320 for top government and private colleges.
Now wait for the cutoffs to be released. which change every year based upon several factors.
Thank you.
My ICAR AIR Rank::16398 SC category rank::690 any chance of getting college in ariculture course?
15% of the seats are reserved for SC category candidates. The competition is quite tough as the number of applicants being more than than the total vacancies in the colleges for agriculture courses.
It would had been better if you had mentioned your marks that you have scored.
For government colleges you have chances, but not that great. Would request you to wait for the cutoffs to be released.
Thank you