Hi, I got 327 score in gate me and belong to sc category.. Can i get ahec(alternate hydro energy centre) branch at iit roorke????
respected sir, gate score-426 (mechanical and SC category). any chance in IIT ROORKEE in any good branch? please help me sir..
You can use our college predictor to get an idea that whether you have a chance of getting into any IIT.
Is it necessary to qualify JEE MAINS PAPER -1 and JEE ADVANCED in order to get admission in IITs for B.ARCH?
Dear Sai Manoj,
Yes, you have to clear JEE Main paper 1 and JEE advanced followed by AAT to get B.Arch in IITs.
Good Luck!!
my son got 69.63 marks in GATE . is he eligible for getting admission in mechanical engineering Mtech iit roorkee. he can get the admission
there is a 50-50 probability of your son to get selested as per the previous record of the cutoff. the cut off basically fluctuates year by year but there is more probablity of getting selescted as last year the cut off for mechanical in IIT Roorkee was:- Gen -72.47, OBC - 65.27, SC - 48.72, ST - 48.82, PD - 54.14
cut off for 2016 was :- Gen - 65.13 , OBC -58.86, SC - 43.83, ST - 43.83
cut off for 2015 was :- Gen - 70.88, OBC - 63.84, SC -47.63, ST - 47.78
65.13 | 58.86 | 43.83 | 43.83 | 44.71 |
i am getting 44 EE SC in GATE 2018. cn i get indisplinery branches in IIT bombay, delhi or roorkee in SC category??
You can check your chances in various colleges based on your score and category, you should try Careers360 college predictor and rank predictor.
Link for Careers360 rank predictor:- https://engineering.careers360.com/gate-college-predictor
All the very best and good luck.
My number is 43(sc) in Gate 2018. Can I got admission mtech in geotech from iit roorkee?
Chances should be average so you are advised to use below provided Gate college predictor to check all your admission possibilities -
Good Luck!!!
i am getting 44 EE SC in gate 2018. cn i get indisplinery branches in iit bombay, delhi or roorkee??? GATE SCORE 514 and AIR 5736
You can check your chances in various colleges based on your score and category, you should try Careers360 college predictor and rank predictor.
Link for Careers360 rank predictor:- https://engineering.careers360.com/gate-college-predictor
All the very best and good luck.
My gate score is 507(sc) .can I got admission in iit roorkee civil
To check your chances you can use below GATE College and PSU Predictor :
Best of luck
Im getting 515 gate score in civil engineering (OBC category) , can I get earthquake engineering at IIT Roorkee?
You can check your chances in various colleges based on your score and category, you should try Careers360 college predictor and rank predictor.
Link for Careers360 rank predictor:- https://engineering.careers360.com/gate-college-predictor
All the very best and good luck.
How is the branch seismic vulnerability and risk assessment at IIT Roorkee ( earthquake engineering) for mtech?
Hey Nitin,
It's really difficult to tell but 2014 placements records say? that avg package is 4.2 lpa. So better if you have an interest in civil branch try some other? colleges like COEP which is also good for civil engineering.
Do apply for L&T MTech programme at IIT M.This programme is especially for mechanical and civil background students