how much marks in jee advanced is required for OBC candidate to get IIT Roorkee
It cant be predicted.
For rough idea, you can check previous year cutoff:-
All the very best and good luck.
How is the earthquake engineering at IIT Roorkee , placement and future for PhD?
Which is better earthquake engineering or Hydrology at IIT Roorkee?
your areas of interest are really very amusing! both are good enough , i can advice you to choose the one in which you are most confident about. First u may gather the information related to it and compare. Good luck!
What is the expected cutoff of IIT Roorkee, earthquake engineering for gate 2018?
Cutoff of every college depends upon many factors like seat availability, college demand,etc.
According to your question IIT Roorkee gate cut off 2017 for earthquake engineering is:
- Gen- 27.49
- Obc-27.49
- Sc-19.86
- St- 20.8
- PD -26.81
What are the good opportunity after pursuing mtech form IIT Roorkee in earthquake engineering?
As we all know that IIT Roorkee is the top ranked college for earthquake engineering, these are the details which you can go after pursuing your course.
Career and Job Prospects
Gathering and researching data from different sources and locations and finding solutions to make structures earthquake resistant is one of the most important responsibilities of anearthquake engineer.
Besides collecting information, Earthquake Engineers have an on-field job as well to collect information from local residents and other sources.
Earthquake Engineers find work opportunities in the Research & Development sector. They work with both government and private companies engaged in the construction of buildings, railways, highways, ports, bridges, and space stations.
Teaching is another career opportunity for earthquake engineers as lecturers, professors and researchers.
Salary Package
In India, the average salary of an Earthquake Engineering graduate is INR 518,236. Other incentives are also offered on a monthly or bi-yearly basis.
However, this is not the limit and earning raises twofold based on work experience, qualifications, research papers published and performance on-field.
All the best for your future.
Is there any interview in IIT Roorkee for mtech in Hydrology, when you apply through your gate score?
hi nitin
as far as i know yes they take your interview when you apply for through your GATE score.this is the part of counselling.
however,The candidates have to download the Call Letter to appear for Interview/Written test/Counselling process.
good luck
42 EE SC category GATE 2018 any chances for IIT Delhi, Roorkee or Bombay???
You can check your chances in various colleges based on your score and category, you should try Careers360 college predictor and rank predictor.
Link for Careers360 rank predictor:-
All the very best and good luck.
How much marks is needed in gate 2018 civil engineering to get admission in earthquake engineering (any specialization) at IIT Roorkee?
hi nitin
for earthquake engineering minimum marks required
for general - 27.49
OBC- 27.49
SC - 19.86
ST - 20.8
PD - 26.81
i am fro uttarpradesh and want to take ad.ission in biotechnology direct admisson how it possible
You can opt for this course from IIT but there is no direct admission. You have to clear entrance exam and then only you can take admission in IIT.
Eligibility Criteria:For UG: Class XII pass out from a recognised school with minimum aggregate marks of 60%Thankyou
Sir Im getting 43 marks in gate civil afternoon session (OBC category).can I get earthquake or Hydrology at IIT Roorkee?
according to the previous year cut off, you are lacking few marks as according to me the cut off for the mtech in earthquake or hydrology may lie around 50 marks this current year but still anything is possible to keep checking our official website for the cutoff assessment.
all the best