Question : The question below consists of a set of labeled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent sentence.
You should try listening to
P. stressed out because
Q. it's calming for the mind.
R. music when you're
Option 1: RPQ
Option 2: PRQ
Option 3: QRP
Option 4: QPR
Correct Answer: RPQ
Solution : The correct answer is option 1.
You should try listening to music when you're stressed out because it's calming for the mind.
Question : The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent sentence.
Demonetisation is the process
P for any kind of transaction.
Q cease to be accepted as legal currency
R by which the demonetized notes
Option 1: RQP
Option 2: PRQ
Option 3: QRP
Option 4: PQR
Correct Answer: RQP
Solution : The correct answer is option 1.
The given paragraph defines what demonetisation is.
Demonetisation is the process by which the demonetized notes cease to be accepted as legal currency for any kind of transaction.
Question : The question below consists of a set of labeled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
P. The demand for fish has increased.
Q. However, adequate fish is not available in the lake.
R. This is mainly because the migratory fish from Chindwin-Irrawaddy river system to Manipur river system have declined steadily after the barrage came up.
S. At least two lakh people are directly dependent on the lake for fishing.
Option 1: SPQR
Option 2: RPSQ
Option 3: QRPS
Option 4: RQSP
Correct Answer: SPQR
Solution : The correct solution is the first option.
Sentence S: This sentence sets the stage by providing the context that at least two lakh people are directly dependent on the lake for fishing.
Sentence P: Following the introduction, this sentence explains that the demand for fish has increased, contributing to the problem.
Sentence Q: Building on the issue of increased demand, this sentence states that adequate fish is not available in the lake.
Sentence R: The final sentence provides a reason for the decline in fish availability, linking it to the construction of the barrage and its impact on migratory fish.
So, the reordered paragraph would be: "At least two lakh people are directly dependent on the lake for fishing. The demand for fish has increased. However, adequate fish is not available in the lake. This is mainly because the migratory fish from Chindwin-Irrawaddy river system to Manipur river system have declined steadily after the barrage came up."
Question : The sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Select the option that arranges the sentences in the correct logical sequence to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. I once met a gentleman who told me about a game he plays with his grandchildren.
B. He shares a titbit or two and it starts off a conversation.
C. He then asks his teenage grandchildren if they know who those people are.
D. He picks some names of politicians, rock stars or even criminals from his generation.
Option 1: ABCD
Option 2: ACBD
Option 3: BACD
Option 4: ADCB
Correct Answer: ADCB
Solution : The fourth option is the correct answer: ADCB.
Sentence A introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Sentence D provides details about the game, explaining how the gentleman selects names from his generation. Sentence C follows, describing how the gentleman engages his teenage grandchildren in the game. Sentence B concludes the paragraph, describing the impact of the game as it starts conversations.
Question : Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct logical sequence.
A. They stand undefeated in the realms of Shakespeare and Homer.
B. India is a country where people are full of immense prolixity and exemplary storytelling.
C. Additionally, the philosophical discourse and discussions on various dilemmas of life associated with the Bhagavad Gita are highly appreciated by scholars from all over the world.
D. Mahabharata and Ramayana are two great examples of colossal works that unquestionably enjoy the virtue of being peak sources for the cultural ethos of the country.
Option 1: DACB
Option 2: BDAC
Option 3: ACBD
Option 4: BACD
Correct Answer: BDAC
Solution : The correct choice is the second option.
The correct sequence BDAC creates a logical flow by starting with B, an overarching view of two monumental epics, the Mahabharata and Ramayana, establishing their significance as quintessential cultural pillars in India.
Moving forward to D, it elaborates on their revered status, emphasising how these epics are paramount sources defining the country's cultural ethos.
Then, it smoothly transitions to A, underscoring the enduring influence of these epics by mentioning their undefeated status in the literary realm, citing Shakespeare and Homer as benchmarks.
Finally, C expands the discussion beyond literature, highlighting the broader appreciation of Indian philosophical discourse, particularly referencing the Bhagavad Gita's profound impact globally.
Therefore, the correct answer is BDAC.
Question : According to Gardner's theory, which intelligence involves sensitivity to the meaning of words?
Option 1: Linguistic intelligence
Option 2: Spatial intelligence
Option 3: Logical-mathematical intelligence
Option 4: Musical intelligence
Correct Answer: Linguistic intelligence
Solution : Correct Option: Option 1
Explanation: Linguistic intelligence, according to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, involves sensitivity to the meaning, sounds, and rhythms of words, as well as the ability to use language effectively.
Question : 'Planning requires logical and systematic thinking rather than guess work or wishful thinking'. What characteristics of planning does this statement highlight?
Option 1: Planning is mental exercise
Option 2: Planning is pervasive
Option 3: Planning is continous process
Option 4: Planning involves decision making
Correct Answer: Planning is mental exercise
Solution : Planning is a mental exercise. Planning is mental process which require higher thinking, that is why it is kept separate from operational activities by taylor. Planning requires logical and systematic thinking rather than guess work or wishful thinking'. This activities requires requires higher level of thinking.
Hence, option 1 is the correct answer.
Question : The question consists of six statements labeled A, B, C, D, E, and F which when logically ordered form a coherent passage. Choose the option that represents the most logical order.
(A)For both children & adults,
(B)Reading the newspaper is a very useful activity to start your day.
(C)This gives us a brief knowledge into the real happenings
(D)there are many useful columns like Political News, Tech News,
(E)editorials, puzzle games, etc.
(F) in the country & around the world
Option 1: BCFADE
Option 2: ACFBED
Option 3: CFADEB
Option 4: CBFADE
Correct Answer: BCFADE
Solution : The correct answer is option 1.
The correct sentence is
Reading newspaper is a very useful activity to start your day. This gives us a brief knowledge into the real happenings in the country & around the world. For both children & adults, there are many useful columns like Political News, Tech News, editorials, puzzle games, etc
Question : Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Select the option that arranges the sentences in the correct logical sequence to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. Globally, almost 6.5 million people have died so far.
B. As I write the final chapter, we enter the third year of our battle with COVID-19.
C. While we have the vaccine to outlive the disease, to live our grief needs the salve of time.
D. I started writing this book in the throes of the pandemic.
Option 1: B,A,D,C
Option 2: D,B,A,C
Option 3: A,D,B,C
Option 4: C,D,B,A
Correct Answer: D,B,A,C
Solution : The correct logical sequence to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph is the second option: D, B, A, and C.
The paragraph starts with the starting line, which is sentence D, which says he started writing the book during the pandemic. Sentence B follows the A as it talks about the book's final chapter and our entry into the third year of COVID-19. It is then followed logically by sentence A that, globally, almost 6.5 million people are dead due to it. The paragraph concludes with sentence C, which tells us that while we may have the vaccine now to outlive the disease, we may need time to heal ourselves from the grief.
Question : Under computerised accounting, data means
Option 1: System software and application software
Option 2: A logical sequence of actions to perform a task
Option 3: The raw fact (as input) for any business application
Option 4: Computer, associated peripherals, and their network
Correct Answer: The raw fact (as input) for any business application
Solution : Under computerized accounting, data means the raw fact (as input) for any business application. Hence, the correct option is 3.