Sir how much marks is enough to get free seat in jawahralal Nehru medical college Belgaum.
Feel free to comment if you have any doubt
Good luck
Is their any chance of getting govt college in up with 350 marks in mop up round. Belongs to sc category..
The cut off for admission in government colleges in Uttar Pradesh under the State quota for the SC category in the previous year 2018 was a rank of 101029 and a score of 372 marks. The cut off changes each year due to several factors like level of difficulty or level of Competition etc. This year as the paper was easier the cut off based on marks will be higher than before. Considering your score and the previous year last score you seem to have a less chance of Admission here. You can use the link below to check the previous year trends.
Best of luck.
I want to get a mbbs management seat in tamilnadu private medical college. My budget is up to 75 there any collage for me?replay pls
Any query regarding admission call/whatsaap us -7780085555
we will help you !
Mins course , hostel,mess and other fee detail
What exactly you want to ask about . As we can answer for the course fee , hostel fee and mess fees details only after knowing where you want to pursue the course and what course you want to get into. I hope and request you to please give a detailed query so that we can figure it out.
When will the classes start for bhms colleges in telangana??
Feel free to comment if you have any doubt
Good luck
what was the cut off of kgmc for mbbs 2019 recently, 85 % state quata for sc candidate?
Cut off marks for First round counselling for SC candidate were 532 and AIR - 32092
Cut off marks for Second round counselling for SC candidate were 528
and AIR - 34051
You can check this information from the link given below
When will the web option start for ayush course in telangana.
Hello Pooja ,
Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) is the conducting authority for Telangana MBBS/BDS 2019 admissions. KNRUHS has released the final merit list for Ayush courses on August 5, 2019. For more details please go through the given link :-
Hope it helps!!!!
Hostel facilities are available?
You haven't mentioned the name of the college about which you want to ask whether Hostel facility is available or not .
I can't help you unless you lemme know the name of the college you are talking about.
Also, you can find it yourself as well by going through the college 's official website.
Esic quota result coming or not please give answer in yes or no
Dear student, ESIC quota results will definitely come. The students under ESIC reserved quota are alloted seats under all India quota only. There are few colleges in India who offer seats to these students depending on the marks scored in NEET UG entrance examination.
Failed in 12th and want to medical. How can I save one year?
Careers360 is conducting the All India Talent search exam where students of 11th and 12th PCM/PCB can test their knowledge and enhance their preparation by knowing their stronger and weaker areas and win prizes and scholarships worth 1.25 Crore.
If you are an Engineering or medical aspirant, it is a great opportunity for you. Take the test, perform the best, avail the scholarship and win prizes.
You can win exciting prizes such as:
50,000/- cash Prizes, Upto 100% Scholarship on JEE / NEET AI-Based preparation packages, Laptops, Smartphones, Amazon Echo, Careers360 Almanacs, Powerbanks, Upto 250/- paytm *Cashback offer
Feel free to comment if you have any doubt
Good luck