If Im offered a seat in a college in the first round itself of Josaa, then will I be offered the same for other rounds provided that the seats are empty in the college?
If you choose to slide your seat which is alloted to you in the first round you can participate in the subsequent round which implies you will be alloted a seat in an academic course of better or higher preference within the same institute and you will accept it.
It depends on choice of your preferences and vacancies available.If there are vacant seat available in the preferred courses then you will get a seat if you choose sliding in round 1 seat allotment.
percentile to get it NIt Goa for obc
Hi Naveen,
Percentile is used to divide the population into groups i.e. if you have got 90 percentile then your score is better than 90% of the candidates. Since it based on the population so you could expect fluctuation in your rank when you compute it for Jan session compared to that of April session as number of candidates increase for the latter. That is why the qualifying cutoff for JEE advance is released after april. Since you had not mentioned the branch I'll be providing it for all:
- Civil:9243
- CSE:3444
- ECE:5465
- ME:7251
- EEE:6432
For more information please refer this link:
I am a b.tech final year student from Electrical Engineering . My c.g.p.a is 7.2 Am I get a chance for take admission in NIT or IIT without Gate2020?
what is the cutoff in NIT Goa to get into computer science and engineering for 2020-21
Hi Shweta,
The cutoff for all the NITs and IITs for the year 2020 will only be available after April session exam. But from previous year cutoff you can infer it.
Since you have not mentioned any category so I am assuming it to be general. For Computer Science and Engineering the opening cutoff was 12921 and closing cutoff was 34667.
what is the fee structure for computer science and engineering in NIT for an obc student for the year 2020-21
It differs from one NIT to another . But it is same as for General Candidates. The fees for NIT is nearly 70000 per semester. But it may vary .
There is also full fee reimbursement for candidates who have income less than 1 lakh per annum. And 2/3 fee reimbursement for candidates have income between 1-5 lakhs per annum
how much percentile is required to get seat in nit calicut under pwd category and nit Goa
The cut-off / minimum marks required to get admission in NIT for the year 2020 is still left to be declared and will come out after the JoSAA counselling. Till then, you can check out the previous year cut and also use the Career360 portal to check the score as soon as they come out. Below is the link which has previous years cut-offs for all the categories.
Link for NIT Goa: https://www.google.com/amp/s/engineering.careers360.com/articles/jee-main-cutoff-for-nit-goa/amp
Link for NIT Calicut:
Ive got 70.1% percentile in jee mains 2020 and Im pwd candidate, is there any possibility to get nit goa? (and Ive 79% percentage in boards)
Now to predict colleges, please use our college predictor:
Is there any NITs which offers CSE with specialization of (any of these) 1)Artificial intelligence or robotics 2)Information technology 3)Computer networking 4)Internet of things
see artificial intelligence and internet of things are new cutting edge technologies. any stream of btech students can pursue this. as it is new in industry thats why it may not included in any colleges cse syllabus. now come to computer networking, it is included in cse, ece, electrical, IT, applied electronics branches syllabus of btech. there is no computer science courses in india with the specialization in the mentioned subjects of yours. computer science engineering is a 4 year course and you will get opportunity to learn many things including AI, IOT, computer networking etc.
hope you may understand.
How many Marks.... I Need to Score JEE MAIN2020... to get into NIT GOA?(Open Category)
To get seat in NIT GOA with open category,you need to score rank under 32k in general Category.With rank around 32k you will get CIVIL stream and for other core stream like ELECTICAL, mechanical you need to score rank under 20k..
For such rank you need to score 150+ score IN JEE MAINS..
Ask if any query