what is the best way..first to complete all the concepts and after completing solving the problems or simultaneously reading the concept and solving the problems???
whether starting from no knowledge about exam and also no reading habit and weak in language Usually how long it will take to Crack a Ibps exam?
Hello Aspirant,
As you wanted to crack ibps and if you have no knowledge it may be some risk to crack the exam so you should have knowledge to write the examination so prepare some of the basic comcepts and important topics and also focus on previous year question paper so study well and work hard to get good marks in the future examinations ALL THE BEST for your future and i think my suggestions and knowledge may be helpful to u.
By reading eamcet previous papers arihant Ts we get rank below 1000 for eamcet examination ???
a single book won't help you to score below 1000, that said try focusing as much as possible on maths and chemistry mainly.
Read IPE textbook for chemistry, its the best or refer Narayana/Sri Chaitanya materials. In maths, you need to solve the previous years’ questions, suggested book material is narayana material (upto Level 3) to have a better grip over the concepts.
For physics If this subject interests you the least, then read the topics which you understand and seem easy to you, Don’t focus much on the difficult areas here.
Is age 20 is too late to start for Bank preparation with having no reading habit and also no vocabulary ? why i feel that everything is over now nothing can be changed?
20 year age is not late to start banking preparation. Infact for applying bank po exam maximum age limit is 30 and even some age relaxation are there for some categories.
Though the syllabus of such exam seems to be lengthy it is not that much difficult. With right strategy, preparation and hardwork you can achieve success in such exam.
There are number of things to do in world. Number of career opportunities. So instead of getting sad make your mindset positive. Your age is in that span of life from where you can built a strong base of your career. So start preparing without any hesitation.
Hope this helps.
All the best.
I am graduate in commerce age 20 sir, i totally wasted my 3 years of graduation and now want to start my career as an banking aspirat with zero Static Ga knowledge zero reading habit and lack in English grammar and vocab is still have a chance to crack exam if start with stratch ? please help me
Every aspirant is a beginner first,so if you are determined and are persistent in chasing your dreams,then there's absolutely no hurdles, it's all in the mind so to speak.
Don't dwell in the past,live in the moment and try to work on yourself.
The best way to improve General Awareness is reading newspaper on a daily basis,you can start with The Hindu or Indian Express,read the editorials daily,it'll help you in vocabulary, comprehension and increase your general awareness as well. For banking and business part,you can read The Economic Times, just continue doing this on a regular basis.
To be strong in a language say English, you need to work on the foundation, the grammar part so start with any standard books and get your concepts clear, the basics topics such as Subject-Verb Agreement, Tenses, Adverb,Adjective,Prepositions etc. Once you have built the solid foundation,you can go for Plinth to Paramount or SP Bankshi's Objective English, for Vocab building Norman Lewis's Word Power Made Easy is the best book,there are many websites which provide mock test in offline mode,so try to solve them,again practice is the key.
If you need any other query,you can ask me in the comment box below.
All the best!
by bio.ncert i can solve the 50 %of the question from true man publication and the context given in the true man p. have an extra knowledge so should i go for ncert for bio. or do the true man publication book extra thing ? or if i only and only do ncert so how many marks i can get in neet ?
It's good to study reference books likes Trueman's etc for conceptual clarity of some topics which are difficult to understand from NCERT but when it comes to preparation for NEET examination then your main focus should be on NCERT.
This is because, almost 95% of the questions in NEET examination is directly from NCERT in case biology, so you should only focus on NCERT biology and practising mcqs now that only around 2 months are left for you neet examination . For practicing MCQs you can refer to past year question papers.
If you prepare your NCERT Biology well then you can easily score between 300 to 340 marks out of 360 marks in biology in NEET examination
You can prepare well using our neet knockout for which link is provided below
E reading physical chemistry text
Hello Athulya !
You can look and download E-books of Physical chemistry from the following link :
Hope it helps !
If you want books of any further subject please feel free to ask.
who does writing from a silenced perspective alter out reading of a particular text? Discuss with reference to the texts discussed in the course.
Hello aspirant,
Silenced perspectives allow the reader to look beyond the authorial intent and then view the text.
Silenced perspectives are those which remain hidden in a text due to authorial bias, societal bias or the situations of the characters that are found due to plot or other concerns in the text.
To identify them, and to read through them is a fruitful exercise as it shows the picture that remains hidden under the garb of the conventional story . For ex. reading a conventional romantic story from the perspective of an outsider can reveal its irrationality and cliches.
Hope it helps!
what is the reading of barometer?
Barometer is an instrument used to measure air pressure of a particular region. If the needle of barometer rises or increases it shows increase in air pressure. If needle of barometer falls or decreases then it shows decrease in air pressure.
Reading of barometer at different places is different due to climatic conditions and it also depends on factors like altitude, depth etc.
A barometer reading of 30 inches (Hg) is considered normal.
hope this was helpful.
If one of the teaching objectives of your reading class is that the learners should be able to anticipate and deduce what will come next in text how will you realise this objective. Discuss with the help of two while reading questions?
This answer is my personal opinion and I am not into teaching. I framed the answer from the thought 'what if I would teach' and my classroom experience.
Idea 1: I will use passive voice rather than active voice. Since the passive voice brings the subject in the beginning of the sentence, it will give the student less opportunity to guess as very many things can happen with the same object.
Idea 2: Build curiosity among the students and give real life examples that contradict the text. This way, the student has many possibilities to guess what could be next, which in more cases would be different from the text.
Hope this helps.