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Adiabatic Demagnetization - Definition, Explanation, Uses, FAQs

Adiabatic Demagnetization - Definition, Explanation, Uses, FAQs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 12, 2024 11:23 AM IST

A procedure called adiabatic demagnetization involves removing a magnetic field from specific materials in order to reduce their temperature. This process, developed by scientist Peter Debye and William Francis Giauque, provides a way to cool a material that is already cold to a very small fraction of 1 K.

Adiabatic demagnetization is a process that leverages the paramagnetic properties of some materials to cool them into the millikelvin region or lower. This method can also be used to chill solid things, however low-density gasses, which have already been significantly cooled, typically reach the most extreme cooling in the fractions of a Kelvin range.

The technique of adiabatic demagnetization is frequently employed to achieve extremely low temperatures. A paramagnetic salt sample that has already been naturally cooled to low temperatures is magnetized isothermally. The sample is frequently suspended in a helium environment, which conducts any heat created away and keeps the process isothermal. After being insulated, it is adiabatically demagnetized by pumping out the helium. This procedure, which comprises isothermal magnetization followed by adiabatic demagnetization, can be carried out repeatedly. Temperatures that are very close to 0 K can be obtained in this way. It is possible to achieve a temperature of absolute zero, but not lower, if this process is performed indefinitely.


The following activities should be avoided when working with magnets:

  • Any magnet should never be placed next to a magnetic gadget that uses electricity.

  • When heated, bruised, or dropped from a height, magnets frequently lose their properties.

  • Two pieces of soft iron should be present at either end of them, and they should be separated by a piece of wood.


When a magnetic field from the outside is applied to certain materials, these materials produce a magnetic field that is parallel to the applied field. These materials are said to be paramagnetic. The amount of particles that align with the applied field depends on the strength of the applied field; more particles align with the field when it is stronger.


Electronic paramagnets are substances with net electromagnetic moments. These materials are paramagnetic by nature because the electronic and magnetic moments tend to align with a magnetic field.


The materials whose net magnetic moment is produced by the individual magnetic moments of their nuclei are known as nuclear paramagnets. The nuclear magnetic moments are about a thousand times lower than the electromagnetic moments, and as a result, the dipole interactions are weaker.


You might be asking why you would want to tamper with an excellent magnet. The basic solution is that magnetization is occasionally undesirable. You wouldn't want just anyone to have access to the data, for instance, if you had a magnetic tape drive or another type of data storage device and wanted to get rid of it. Demagnetization is one method for erasing data and enhancing security.

Metallic things can become magnetic and cause issues in a variety of ways. Some metals have problems because they draw other metals to them, whereas other metals have problems with the magnetic field itself. Tools, metal parts after machining, flatware, engine components, and flatware are some examples of items that are demagnetized.


Magneto-caloric materials can use the adiabatic demagnetization process in accordance with its general principles. According to the underlying theory, these materials begin to heat up when exposed to a magnetic field. When they are taken out of the magnetic field, they cool down. The following describes the adiabatic demagnetization of paramagnetic salts:

The paramagnetic salt atoms are thought of as small magnets. Without a magnetic field, the salt's atoms are all randomly orientated. The result is that there is no magnetic force at all. Salt atoms, however, align themselves to the magnetic field direction after coming into contact with the strong magnetic field. The temperature rises throughout this procedure.

Atoms of paramagnetic salts revert to their random orientation upon demagnetization or the removal of the magnetic field. As the atoms operate, the temperature drops as a result. Additionally, this process happens adiabatically. The temperature will change as a result of a change in work done, in accordance with the Second Law of Thermodynamics.


One of the effective methods for cooling items is magnetic cooling. It takes advantage of the connection between a material's entropy and the effects of an applied magnetic field. Adiabatic demagnetization is a type of magnetic cooling that makes use of some materials' paramagnetic capabilities. It is based on the observation that in a magnetic field, paramagnetic materials have lower entropies. Lower entropy originates from the magnetic areas that are aligned with the paramagnetic field. Because of this, a substance can reach a temperature below one Kelvin because unpredictability is reduced in the presence of a magnetic field.

The sample can come in contact with a cold reservoir after it has been cooled. A constant temperature of about 2-3 K is maintained in this chilly reservoir. In the sample region, a magnetic field is induced.

When the sample and the cold reservoir reach thermal equilibrium, the magnetic field strength increases. As a result of the particles aligning with the magnetic field, the system becomes well-ordered. The sample's entropy decreases as a result of it.

However, the sample's temperature is now the same as the cold reservoir. The phrase alludes to adiabatic magnetization.

The magnetic field's intensity has decreased and the sample has been segregated from the cold reservoir. The sample salt's unpredictability remains unchanged. But because the magnetic field is no longer as strong, the temperature of the sample salt is dropping. This temperature drops more drastically if the sample was already at a low temperature.

By allowing sample salt to arrive at low temperatures, the adiabatic demagnetization procedure can be repeated.


When attempting to achieve extremely low temperatures, an adiabatic demagnetization procedure is helpful. Using this approach, it is possible to reach low temperatures of just 1K for the electronic paramagnetic salts. The temperature can be as low as feasible for nuclear paramagnets, though.

There are a number of substances or atoms known as nuclear paramagnets that don't have any magnetic moments but do have some in their nuclei. Magnetic refrigeration can benefit from these magnetic moments. This technology was suggested to use a nuclear demagnetization refrigerator. These days, this refrigeration method is employed in order to avoid some drawbacks of electrical paramagnetic refrigeration techniques.

The experiment of nuclear adiabatic demagnetization aids in achieving much lower temperatures. This method relies on the alignment of nuclear dipoles, which are around 1000 times smaller than atoms. The temperature of the arranged nuclei can be brought down to 0.000016 degrees with the aid of this approach.


  • If the sample material is an electronic paramagnet, the lowest temperatures that may be achieved using these methods are on the order of 1 millikelvin.

  • If the sample is a nuclear paramagnet, the lowest temperatures that can be reached decrease significantly due to the weaker interactions between the dipoles.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is demagnetizing a magnet necessary?

Metallic objects can become magnetized under a variety of conditions, which can cause issues with how well they perform on their own. The magnetic field itself can be problematic in some situations, while in others the metal will draw in other metals.

Demagnetizing the magnets is crucial in some circumstances because of this.

2. Nuclear paramagnets: what are they?

The materials whose net magnetic moment is produced by the individual magnetic moments of their nuclei are known as nuclear paramagnets. The nuclear magnetic moments are about a thousand times lower than the electromagnetic moments, and as a result, the dipole interactions are weaker.

3. What is the magnetic field's measurement unit?

B and H stand for the magnetic field, respectively. Amperes per meter is the SI unit for H, and Newtons per meter per ampere or Teslas is the SI unit for B.

4. How does electromagnetism work?

Electromagnetism is the name of the area of physics that deals with the investigation of the electromagnetic force.

5. What is electromagnetism's Faraday's law?

EMF is produced by the interaction of magnetic fields and electric charges, which is described by Faraday's law of electromagnetism (electromotive force).

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