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Deuteron Mass - Definition, Properties, MeV, AMU, FAQs

Deuteron Mass - Definition, Properties, MeV, AMU, FAQs

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Sep 24, 2024 04:53 PM IST

Deuteron comprises of a neutron and a proton. Deuteron symbol is represented as 12D. A non-aligned atom of 2H is termed as deuterium. It is the unpretentious bound state of nucleons and thus gives us an ideal system for learning the nucleon-nucleon interaction. For nuclear physicists, the deuterons should be what the hydrogen atoms are for atomic physicists. In this article we will study in detail about what is mass of deuteron and charge of deuteron.

Deuteron Mass - Definition, Properties, MeV, AMU, FAQs
Deuteron Mass - Definition, Properties, MeV, AMU, FAQs

History of deutron:

Deuteron gets its name from the Greek word “deuteros”, which means “second”. It refers to the two particles that make up the nucleus. Harold Urey first discovered it in 1931. Deuteron’s stability has been noteworthy since its discovery.

Deuteron comprises of a neutron and a proton. Deuteron symbol is represented as (_1^2)D. A non-aligned atom of 2H is termed as deuterium. It is the unpretentious bound state of nucleons and thus gives us an ideal system for learning the nucleon-nucleon interaction.

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What is deuteron?

  • A deuteron (2H nucleus) comprises of a neutron and a proton. (A non-aligned atom of 2H is termed as deuterium.). It is the unpretentious bound state of nucleons and thus gives us an ideal system for learning the nucleon-nucleon interaction. For nuclear physicists, the deuteron should be what the hydrogen atom is for atomic physicists.
  • Just as the measured Balmer series of electromagnetic transitions between the excited states of hydrogen led to an understanding of the structure of hydrogen, so the electromagnetic transitions between the excited states of the deuteron result to an understanding of its structure. Unfortunately, the deuteron does not have any excited states. It is such a feebly bound system that the only "excited states" are unbound systems comprising of a free proton and neutron.
  • Mass of deuteron in amu or mass of deuterium is 2.0135 amu. 1 amu in MeV is 931.5 MeV. So, mass of deuteron in MeV is 1875.612928 MeV.
  • Mass of deuteron in kg is 3.343 x 10-27 kg.
  • The charge radius of deuteron is 2.12799 fm.
  • The deuteron charge is + 1e.
  • Deuteron’s binding energy has been determined to be 2.2 MeV.

Deuteron mass and charge:

Let us explain deuteron Mass and Charge. Deuterium is an atomic particle with a proton and neutron that is stable. Hydrogen-2 is indicated by the letters D or 2H. The mass of a deuteron is measured in atomic mass units (2.0135 amu) or million electron volts (1875.612928 MeV). The deuteron has a charge of +1e. This is because protons are present.

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Properties of deuteron:

The deuteron retains measurable properties which may serve as a guide in the research for the accurate nuclear interaction. These properties are:

1. Binding Energy:

The binding energy of the deuteron is a very accurately measured quantity. The observed value is 2.224 +0.002 MeV. The average binding energy per nucleon of a deuteron is about 8 MeV. The deuteron is therefore very weakly bound compared with typical Nuclei. Binding energy can be measured using a large number of direct and indirect methods.

Measurement of Binding Energy of Deuteron

In Mass Doublet Method, two nearby masses are used i. e. Having the same value of mass number. In the mass spectrograph both ions are produced simultaneously in the ions source and are focused as two nearly lines.

The formation of hydrocarbon with great variety of mass numbers provides a convenient method of mass comparison with a doublet method.

Following determinations have been made:

m(C6H12) – m(C6D6) = (9.289710 ± 0.000024) x 10-3 u

m(C6H12) m(C6D6) = (84.610626 ± 0.000090) x 10-3 u

From the first one,

6 m(C) + 12 m(H) - 6 m(C) - 6 m (D)= 9.289710 x 10-3 u

12 m(H) - 6 m (D) = 9.289710 x 10-3 u

Using 1.007825037 u for the ¹H mass

12 x 1.007825037 - 6 m (D) = 9.289710 x 10-3 u

m(2H) = 2.014101789 ± 0.000000021 u

From the Second one

5 m(C) + 12 m(D) - 6 m(C) - 6 m (D) = 9.289710 x 10-3u

Using 12 u for the 12C mass

m (2H) = 2.014101771 ±0.000000015 u

These accurate values are in very good arrangement.

With this mass of 2H and using the measured ¹H and neutron masses, we can find the binding energy

B = [m(¹H) + m(n) - m(²H)] c² = 2.22463 ± 0.00004 MeV

We can also determine this binding energy directly by bringing a proton and a neutron (n) together to form 2H and measuring the energy of the γ- ray photon that is emitted:

¹H + n→ ²H +ϒ

The resultant binding energy, which is equal to the observed energy of the photon less a small recoil correction, is 2.224589 ± 0.000002 MeV, in excellent agreement with the mass spectroscopic value. A third method, called photo dissociation, uses the reverse reaction,

ϒ+ ²H → ¹H +n

In which a - ray photon breaks apart a deuteron. The minimum - ray energy that accomplishes this process is equal to the binding energy (again, corrected for the recoil of the final products). The observed value is 2.224 ± 0.002 MeV, in good agreement with the mass spectroscopic value.

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2. The angular momentum:

The angular momentum quantum number (nuclear spin) of the ground state of the deuteron is 1. It suggests that the spins are parallel. (Triplet state). The angular momentum of nuclear ground state can be determined by a number of optical, radio-frequency and microwave methods.

3. Parity:

The parity of nuclear state cannot be determined directly. It can be determined indirectly by the studies of nuclear reactions and disintegrations in which the parity changes. It has been determined that ground state of deuteron is determined by even parity wave function i.e. parity of deuteron is even

4. Quadruple moment:

Deuteron shows an electric quadruple moment. This shows a departure from spherical symmetry of charge distribution.

The quadruple moment of deuteron is determined by radio frequency molecular beam method.

NCERT Physics Notes :

5. Magnetic dipole moment:

The magnetic dipole moment of deuteron can be measured by resonance absorption method. It is found that the sum of magnetic dipole moments of proton and neutron do not exactly equal to magnetic moment of deuteron.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Define deuteron and wrote its symbol.

A deuteron (2H nucleus) comprises of a neutron and a proton. (A non-aligned atom of 2H is termed as deuterium.). It is the unpretentious bound state of nucleons and thus gives us an ideal system for learning the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Deuteron symbol is represented as 12D.

2. What is the mass of deuteron in kilograms?

Mass of deuteron in kg is 3.343 x 10-27 kg.

3. What is deuteron’s binding energy?

Deuteron’s binding energy is given by 2.22463 MeV

4. Who was the first scientist to discover deuteron?

Harold Urey first discovered it in 1931.

5. By which method quadruple moment of deuteron is determined?

The quadruple moment of deuteron is determined by radio frequency molecular beam method.


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