Force Push and Pull - Definition, Types, Push & Pull Examples

Force Push and Pull - Definition, Types, Push & Pull Examples

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Nov 16, 2024 03:13 PM IST

Force is the core concept in understanding motion and its types. It can be broadly divided into push and pull forces. Push or pull force can affect the state of motion of an object. In this article, we will discuss what is force, what is push force, what is pull force, the difference between push and pull forces, types of force, and applications of push and pull forces.

What is Force?

Force definition: Force is an external effect in the form of a push or pull that

(i) Produces or tries to produce motion in a body at which it is at rest position.

(ii) Stops or tries to stop a body that is moving.

(iii) Changes the direction of motion of the moving body.

Since force has both direction and magnitude, it is a vector quantity. The unit of force is represented by Newton (N).

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What is Push Force?

When we apply an external force and due to that force the body tends to move in a forward direction from rest is known as a push.

Examples of Push Force

Some examples of push are

  • Pushing a box
  • Closing a door/window
  • Pushing a chair/table
  • Pushing a trolley

What is Pull Force?

When we apply an external force and due to that force the body tends to move in the opposite direction of the force applied from rest is known as pull.

Examples of pull force

Some of the examples of pull are

  • Opening a door/window
  • Climbing a rope
  • Pulling/dragging a box
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Types of Force

When we apply external force on a body, then two situations can be there, either the body will move or be at rest. This external force can be applied to the body by either touching the body or without touching the body. Based on these phenomena, we have two types of forces. These are as follows:-

1. Contact force

2. Non-contact force

Contact Force

As the name is contact force, we can define it as the force that is applied to a body by bringing it in contact with each other. It can further be categorized into three categories which are as follows:-

  1. Frictional force:- When we apply an external force on a body, its motion is opposed by another force that acts in the opposite direction. This opposing force is known as frictional force.
  2. Applied force:- When we apply an external force on a body and the body starts moving is known as the applied force.
  3. Normal force:- Normal force is the constituent of a contact force. It is perpendicular to the surface of a body that comes in contact with it.

Non-Contact Force

As the name is non-contact force, we can define it as the force that is applied to a body without bringing it in contact with each other. Some of the examples of non-contact forces are as follows:-

1. Gravitational force:- It is the force exerted by the Earth to pull things towards itself. This force is attractive.

2. Magnetic force:- It is the force of attraction and repulsion exerted by a magnet on another magnet or a magnetic material.

3. Electrostatic force:- It can be defined as the force of attraction or repulsion between two charges of a material.

Apart from the above-mentioned categories, the force can be categorized in different forms. These can be

1. Weight: The weight of a body is the force of gravity or the gravitational force acting on the body.

2. Tension: -When the rope, string, or cable is stretched with force, the force developed by it is called tension. The direction of the pull of an object gives the direction of tension.

3. Spring force:- When an object is attached to the string, the force developed after the compression of the spring is called spring force.

Spring force is represented by:

F=-K x

where $x$ is the change in length and $K$ is the spring constant. (unit N/m).

4. Central force:- A central force is the force in which force is pointed along the line that joins the object and the origin.

Difference Between Push and Pull Forces

Push ForcePull Force
A force is applied to move an object away from the source of force.A force is applied to move an object closer to the source of force.
Acts away from the body applying the force.Acts towards the body applying the force.
Can cause motion, stop motion, or change the direction of the object by pushing it away.Can cause motion, stop motion, or change the direction of the object by pulling it closer.
Often used in activities requiring outward motionOften used in activities requiring inward motion
Hands, feet, or a tool are typically pressed against the object.Hands, rope, or a tool are typically grasped or held to apply the force.

Application of Push And Pull

Push Force

  1. Machines using push force to mold materials
  2. Vehicles use the engine's push force to move
  3. A form of push force, thrust is used to launch a rocket

Pull Force

  • Cranes use pull force in the form of hooks and cables to load materials
  • The pulley system uses pull force to lift objects.
  • Pull force is used in archery to pull a bowstring to launch an arrow.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is push?

When we apply an external force and due to that force the body tends to move in forward direction from rest is known as push. 

2. What is a Pull?

When we apply an external force and due to that force the body tends to move in the opposite direction of the force applied from rest is known as pull.

3. Give some push and pull examples.

Some of the examples of push are pushing a box, closing a door/window, pushing a chair / table, pushing a trolley etc.

Some of the examples of pull are opening a door / window, climbing a rope, pulling / dragging a box, etc.

4. Give pull opposite word and push opposite word.

The opposite word of pull is push and opposite word of push is pull.

5. Opening a door is an example of which force?

Opening a door is an example of pull force while closing a door is an example of push force.

6. What is Force?

Force is an external effect in the form of  push or pulls.


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