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Mass and Momentum - Definition, Example, FAQs

Mass and Momentum - Definition, Example, FAQs

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Sep 24, 2024 09:53 PM IST

In this article we are going to study a very important topic what is momentum class 9 in physics. So, we are going to cover the topics below here .

What is momentum, momentum definition, momentum meaning in physics ( in english ), momentum synonym, what is the product of mass and velocity called that is mass velocity relationship, how the product of mass and velocity is calculated, what is inertia and mass, how is inertia related to mass, types of mass.

Mass and Momentum - Definition, Example, FAQs
Mass and Momentum - Definition, Example, FAQs

Lets , take up the very first question that arises in students mind that is

What is momentum?

In class 9 in newtonian mechanics , we simply define momentum in physics/momentum is defined as the product of mass and velocity of that object . Being a vector quantity it gives both the direction and magnitude . Momentum is a measure of the time required through constant force to make an object at rest .

Symbol used for momentum in physics is p .

Si unit for momentum will be ns that is newton-second .

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Momentum definition

We define momentum as mass and velocity product . The magnitude is given as

P = m v ( where m is mass and v is velocity ) .

Momentum is defined only for the objects in steady motion . As because for an object at rest the speed will be considered as zero , therefore leading to the zero momentum possessed by the given object .

For eg when we push a trolley with less mass its acceleration is more than when we push a trolley with more mass as the speed slows down with the trolley due to more mass .

While playing cricket a fielder hello lowers his hand while catching the ball for minimum injury to his head as the ball thanks more time enhance leading to decrease in the impulse due to its velocity .

Momentum meaning in physics ( in english ) and momentum synonym.

According to physics/momentum meaning in physics described in one word is the velocity of the motion or impetus . In physics of newton , it is specifically known as linear momentum .

The ball gained momentum while going down a slide .

Momentum synonym

Momentum can have many synonyms in english like boost , incitation , impetus , encouragement propulsion or impulse .

We can understand it as through the opposite of momentum that are like weakness , impotence and many more .

What is product of mass and velocity called

(that is mass velocity relationship)

Relation between mass and velocity is called linear momentum , having mass m and velocity v . Mass x velocity is a vector quantity . As mass is scalar quantity and velocity is a vector quantity .

How the product of mass and velocity is calculated

Momentum is a measure of mass and velocity and it is derived from second law of motion .

According to the newton , the rate of change of momentum of an object is directly proportional to the force acting on it. It is the second law of motion.

F=dpdt where dp/dt is the rate of change of momentum

That also gives one formula or definition

F = m a ( mass and acceleration )

Force applied on any object is given as the product of its , mass and acceleration .

What is inertia and mass and types of mass how is inertia related to mass?/ What is inertia ?

The tendency of an object to resist change . An object tends to stay still if its still or stay moving if its moving .

To overcome any motion that is whether in motion or at rest we have to overcome the inertia of that object , we have to apply unbalanced force .

Example – when we sheet fall the dust from it comes in atmosphere . Because the dust due to inertia tends to remain in that very position but as soon as we fall it dust remains at that position but sheets moves immediately . This makes the process of cleaning bedsheet works . There are many examples that you can verify in your daily life routine .

Mass of a given body is its matter .

Types of mass

It can be of many types like inertial mass or gravitational mass .

How are inertia mass related?

Object with more mass have more inertia than an object with a smaller mass .

This means that inertia is directly proportional to the mass . We need to apply more unbalanced force to move an object with more mass than the object with light mass .

For example – we can easily move a chair from its initial position than to move a sofa .

Now we have discussed momentum class 9 topics .

What is momentum , momentum definition , momentum meaning in physics ( in english ) , momentum synonym , what is product of mass and velocity called that is mass velocity relationship , how the product of mass and velocity is calculated , what is inertia and mass , how is inertia related to mass , types of mass .

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Difference between mass and velocity.

Mass is the fundamental property of all matter . It gives resistance to any force trying to change its properties like shape , direction , velocity or state . Its si unit is kg .

Velocity is the displacement of any body in given time . It is a derived physical quantity of the object . Its si unit is m/s .

2. What is the newton's first law of motion?

According to newton’s first law of motion, any body tends to be in its initial state whether it is of motion or rest.

3. What is newton's third law of motion?

“for every action there is equal and opposite reaction”. It is newton’s third law of motion.

For example during gunshot we experience a backlog of the hand due to the reaction in backward direction , made by the gun because of the bullet force in forward reaction .

4. State the law conservation of momentum?

Law of conservation of momentum states that if two or more bodies kept in an isolated system working on each other dad total momentum will remain conserved unless and until there is any unbalanced external force applied to that system .

5. What is impulse?

Impulse is the change in momentum it is the force experience for very short interval of time.

6. Define momentum of a body/ what is meant by momentum?

Momentum is the product of mass and velocity of a body.

7. What is difference between mass and inertia?

According to inertia and mass class 9, mass is the measure of quantity of an object without considering the volume while inertia is the tendency to remain in the state of rest or uniform motion of an object.


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