In this article we are going to learn about Eddy current , eddy current definition, eddy current losses, application of eddy current , advantages of eddy current , disadvantages of eddy current, eddy current loss formula and many more.
Note: Eddy current definition in hindi is भंवर धारा
When the magnetic flux coupled to the coil changes, induced electromotive force is produced in the coil.
Eddy currents get their name from the fact that they resemble eddies or whirlpools.
Eddy currents are the induced currents that occur when a conductor is placed in a changing magnetic field.
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Eddy current definition
It can be defined as follows:
According to Faraday's law of induction, eddy currents are the loops of currents that are induced because of the varying magnetic field in the conductor.
The flow of Eddy Currents
The flow of eddy current is perpendicular to the magnetic field inside the conductor.
Principle of Eddy Currents/ Eddy current testing principle:
The Foucault current is another name for an eddy current.
Eddy currents are electric current swirls that are induced within conductors by a changing magnetic field (self-inductance).
The principle of Eddy current is based on Faraday's law of induction.
Self-inductance is how the Eddy Current Principle operates.
It's worth noting that a time-varying magnetic field formed by an AC electromagnet or transformer can cause Eddy currents within neighbouring static conductors.
For example, a magnet and a conductor can move relative to one other (Eddy Current Aluminium).
Eddy Current Magnetic Field
Eddy currents, also known as Foucault's currents, flow in streams where the streams surrounding the conductors pivot in whirls.
The growth of closed rings at a vertical position to the magnetic field's plane is reproduced by fluctuating magnetic fields and development in closed rings (Eddy Current Magnet).
Eddy current flow can occur when a conductor moves through the magnetic field or when the magnetic field that surrounds the stationary channel varies.
This means that everything that occurs in the conductor is subjected to a change in the magnetic field's direction or intensity, which causes the circling current to flow.
The size of this current is proportional to the magnitude of the magnetic field, the circle cross-sectional region, and the flux in the transition, as well as the conductor's resistivity.
This is the Eddy Current Principle at its most basic level.
According to Lenz's law, a swirling or Eddy current creates a magnetic field that opposes the change in the magnetic field that created it, and Eddy Current (whirlpool flows) responds back to the magnetic field's source.
Because of the eddy current created in the surface by the moving magnetic field, a nearby conductive surface will impart a drag force to a moving magnet that opposes its progress.
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Eddy current and its application can be listed as follows:
(1)-The metal to be heated is put in a rapidly fluctuating magnetic field produced by high-frequency alternating current in an induction furnace.
Strong eddy currents form in the metal, generating so much heat that it melts.
This method is used to extract metals from their ore.
The induction furnace is a device that heats metal using a high-intensity induced current.
(2)-Eddy currents can be employed to rotate the rotor in an induction motor.
Eddy currents are formed when a metallic cylinder (or rotor) is placed in a spinning magnetic field.
These currents tend to reduce relative motion between the cylinder and the field, according to Lenz's law.
As a result, the cylinder begins to rotate in the field's direction.
Induction motion works on this concept.
(3)-In an induction motor, eddy currents can be used to rotate the rotor. When a metallic cylinder (or rotor) is placed in a spinning magnetic field, eddy currents develop. These currents reduce the relative motion by rotating the axle in the same direction as the direction of the magnetic field.
Then the cylinder starts to rotate in the direction of the field. This is how eddy current induction motion works.
These are the uses of eddy current class 12/advantages of eddy current class 12.
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Eddy current loss in transformer
It is basically I2R loss that is present in the core. Eddy current loss is directly proportional to the conductivity of the core.
eddy current loss formula
K- Coefficient of eddy current
f- Frequency of reversal field in Hz
Bm-Maximum value of flux density
t-Thickness of the laminator in meter
V- Volume of magnetic material in m3
These are the information included in eddy current pdf.
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NCERT Physics Notes:
Eddy current loss is conductive I2R loss caused by circulating currents that flow against the core's internal resistance as a result of AC flux linkage.
Hysteresis loss is caused because of the magnetization and demagnetization of the core.
1) Induction furnace
2) Dead-beat galvanometer
3) Electric brakes, induction motors
Eddy current loss is conductive I2R loss caused by circulating currents that flow against the core's internal resistance as a result of AC flux linkage.
1) Induction furnace
2) Dead-beat galvanometer
The following are some of the disadvantages of eddy current:
1. Eddy currents cause heat loss in the core of transformers.
2. The eddy current value is greatly dependent on the permeability value.
Detectors have a hard time working as a result of this.
Eddy currents are a source of energy loss in inductors, transformers, electric engines and generators, and other AC gear, necessitating unusual construction, such as laminated magnetic cores or ferrite cores, to prevent them.
To reduce current losses, the transformer's centre segment is made up of thin laminated collected sheets, and each individual plate is shielded or cleaned.
The Eddy current development is confined to a small percentage of the cross-section area of each unique plate and protected from different plates with this staining.
Along these lines, the current's stream direction reaches a little value.
Eddy Current's Benefits
This method is primarily used in the analysing process.
This is a non-contact analysis method that has no effect on the task.
The analysis is completed in a flash and produces precise results.
The coating surface, which is utilised on a variety of products, is easily examined.
It's even used in a speedometer, as well as in the induction furnace process.
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