how l can apply for sat exam.
Step 1: Visit College Board's official website: ( and create your account.
Step 2: After successfully creating your College Board account, give your personal details.
Step 3: Create your student profile.
Give your high school details.
Give your academic details.
Details related to extracurricular activities.
College-level details: College type, college size, majors.
Step 4: Select Test Date and Test Center.
Step 5: Upload your picture.
Step 6: Pay the SAT test fee using a credit card or PayPal.
for more details of SAT Exam, then follow the below link:
SAT Assessments 2021 Latest News: Exam Dates, Preparation Tips, Registration (
Here by I am mentioning the steps of how to apply for SAT examination :
Visit the College Board official website
- Create your account.
- Submit all the required details.
- Choose which exam you want to give along with your nearest test center.
- Upload your clear photograph.
- Pay the application fee.
Official website link: collegereadiness.collegeboard.or ( g
Hope this answer will help you.
Thank you!