Dear Sir If i got seat in All india quota duirng Round 1 or Round 2, and report the college also Can i participate in state quota. ? if i got the seat in state quota, can i cancell the All india Quota seat which is alloted earler.
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Dear aspirant
First round of all india quota counselling have free exit. So if you have been allocated college and you report the college but you have been allocated a better college in state quota then you can cancel your admission in that case.
Second round of AIQ counseling have no free exit. If you get allotted a college in counseling you will have to take admission or if you cancel or don't report the college,you will have to forfeit your security deposit money which was 10k for govt college last year.
So if you willing to do second round you should go very carefully.
Also read the instructions,counselling scheme for the both AIQ counselling and state counselling once when registeration get started.
You can use our college predictor tool for knowing personalized results of getting mbbs BDS college at your expected marks
Hope this information helps you
Good luck !!
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