UP board 12th Chemistry model paper 2021
In 2021 UP board was cancelled due to covid . So, 2021 papers are not available.
2022 UP board model papers has not been released yet, till its release , you can practise 2020 and other previous year question papers of chemistry and other subjects as well by downloading them by going through our page for which link to be given below
Solving these papers will be very beneficial for you, it will help you to :-
------) know the pattern of the examination.
------) know the kind / types of questions which are there in your examination.
------) it will give you an idea of the difficulty level of the examination .
------) you will get to know the important topics which are covered and asked often in the exam , so that you can accordingly plan for your examination.
------) it will help you to check and gauge your level for preparation for the examination,
------) it will let you know your areas or the topics you are weak at so that you can work on them and can perform even better in your examination.
------) will help you to improve your time management skills so that in your actual examination you can solve questions with better speed and accuracy .
Good luck for your examination preparation.
I hope that you find this helpful.
Thank you