will this year BHU (PET) exam 2022-23 conducted through by CUCET mode or BHU shall conduct their PET exam separate..plz .. ?????
As of now there isn't any official notification released by officials of BHU regarding the fact that CUCET scores will be considered for admission of post graduate course, NTA is the conducting authority regarding both CUCET as well as BHU PET, In order to know the latest information regarding BHU admission schedule for 2022, you may stay updated at the official website at http://bhuonline.in/
JNU and DU are though considering CUCET scores but it's for the admission of undergraduate courses, which you can check out at https://news.careers360.com/du-cucet-2022-delhi-university-ug-admission-2022-through-cucet-from-this-year-says-du-vc-yogesh-singh