Plz talk me the Fees of the course of msc applied nutrition in health and hygiene.
Sukriti ! You have asked what are the fee of course nutrition health and (Hons) in Food & Nutrition/Dietetics/Food Science/Biochemistry/Physiology/Food Technology/B.Sc in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics,with atleast 555 marks.Candidates passing our before 2008 need not apply.Those who are waiting for their results may also apply,but their selection is provisional.
Fees: Rs.24000/- per annum (payable in 2 instalments)
Caution Deposit: Rs.10000/- (refundable)
Admission fee: Rs.1000/- (one time)
The Admission will be made through Entrance Examination conducted by the institute.
The application form can be downloaded from the institute''''s website.The duly filled in application along with a DD of Rs.1000/- payable to "The West Bengal University of Health Sciences".
Thanks for contacting us.