I got 28569 rank in wbjee..will i get better college...n plz suggest me how to get clg through e-counselling....
HI SAURAV, With 28569 rank in wbjee you cannot get a very good college though in general category.But you can get some of the good private colleges like the BP Poddar,Techno India,Meghnad SAHA institute,RCC INSTITUTE of tech ,etc. For the e-couselling purpose just set the colleges name you want to get admission into rankwise along with the decreasing preference selection of your engg branch too.I am giving below an example to you of how to fill the e-counselling part.
#Rank-1 Jadavpur University
CSE ECE Mech Engg Civil Engg chemical engg materials and metullurgical engg and so on acc. to your preference.
#Rank- 2 Bengal Engineering and Science University.
CSE ECE Mech Engg Civil Engg and so on
#Rank- 3 Institute of Engineering & Management. #Rank- 4 Kalyani Govt. . #Rank- 5 Heritage Institute of Technology. #Rank- 7 Techno India. #Rank- 8 Jalpaiguri Govt. #Rank- 9 RCC Institute of information technology #Rank-10 Netaji subhas Engineering college and so on .
Hope this helped you. Best of luck.