Question : Aryabhata and Kalidasa were in the court of which Gupta Emperor?
Option 1: Kumaragupta I
Option 2: Chandragupta II
Option 3: Samudragupta
Option 4: Skandagupta
Correct Answer: Chandragupta II
Solution : The correct answer is Chandragupta II.
Chandragupta II, who was famously called Chandragupta Vikramaditya, served as a Gupta emperor. His royal assembly boasted the esteemed presence of both Aryabhata and Kalidasa. Among the nine pearls of Chandragupta's court was the celebrated Sanskrit writer Kalidasa. Two notable creations by the mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata include the Aryabhatiya and the Arya-Siddhanta.
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