Question : Directions: Which term from among the given options can replace the question mark (?) in the following series to make it logically complete?
CO29, EQ27, ?, IU23, KW21
Option 1: HS24
Option 2: GS25
Option 3: HT24
Option 4: IR26
Correct Answer: GS25
Solution :
CO29, EQ27, ?, IU23, KW21
In the above-given series, add 2 to the place values of the first and the second letters, and subtract 2 from the numbers, to obtain the next term.
CO29→C + 2 = E; O + 2 = Q; 29 – 2 = 27→EQ27
EQ27→E + 2 = G; Q + 2 = S; 27 – 2 = 25→GS25
GS25→G + 2 = I; S + 2 = U; 25 – 2 = 23→IU23
IU23→I + 2 = K; U + 2 = W; 23 – 2 = 21→KW21
So, GS25 is the required term of the given series. Hence, the second option is correct.