After qualifying gate exam in CE by a candidate with Btech in environmental engg can he apply for civil engg jobs in PSU
No you can not ! Only people who have done BTECH in civil engineering are eligible for jobs in any psu.You can read the official notifications of psus for recruitment through gate,it is clearly written there.
Yes Sure you can apply for job in PSUs but not in all civil engineering related company because some companies recruit civil engineering graduate. However, Environment Engineering is equivalent to civil engineering but this is not applicable to everywhere. So once you qualify GATE CE then you are eligible for most of civil engineering related companies.
Good Luck.
For that he must have appeared for GATe Civilengineering paper to be eligible for Civilengineering posts at all PsU.
He must also meet eligibility criteria set by PSU which nay vary for all like Education qualifications marks, academic history,, age, etc