how to perpare IBPS po clerk exam
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Recommended: Know all about IBPS PO |IBPS PO question/sample Papers
Before preparing for any exam, you should check its exam pattern, so that you have an idea of the structure and contents of the question paper.
You can check the exam pattern for both of the exams here -
IBPS Clerk Exam -
IBPS PO Exam -
After getting an idea of the question paper and syllabus for the entrance test, you may refer to these articles to guide your preparation towards the right direction. In these articles, you will find preparation tips which are extremely beneficial for any candidate who aspires to crack the entrance.
IBPS Clerk Exam -
IBPS PO Exam -
It is also important to practice previous years' question papers and solve them thoroughly. You can find question papers for both the exams below.
IBPS Clerk Exam -
IBPS PO Exam -
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To obtain information regarding the IBPS PO clerk examinations kindly refer to the following link:
Coming to your question, start with General Knowledge and Current affairs first.
Develop a habit of reading The Hindu daily to be updated with current affairs. You should refer to Yojana Magazine and Banking magazines regularly to not miss any important updates.
Practice math daily for at least two hours. Develop a problem solving approach and try improving your English vocabulary to score well in the English section. For improving your hold on the English subject you can refer to Norman Lewis's book.
Next, do solve previous years papers so that you can have an idea of the pattern of the examinations. Lastly, write lot of mock tests to identify your weak areas in order to work upon them and crack the examinations.
Wishing you luck!