need latest du jat and ipu cet study material
Hii Venkatesh
You can easily geta lot of study material realting to all the different sections of the Delhi university Joint entrance test conducted by the University of delhi itself and also for the IPUCET of the indraprastha university . You can search the web for Quantitative aptitiude , previous year papers , verbal abiility , Generak awareness and all of it . You can buy books from Arihant publications and have the common study material for both the exam . For Dujat you have to study higher maths to which you can study from your boards course books of classes 11th and 12th .
Furthermore ,The eligibility criteria for applying as well as
appearing for the Delhi univerity Joint Ability test is that You scoe
60% in any four subjects including maths ,english and any two which you
got highest in your class 12th boards. There are a
number of other good central universities/colleges you can apply to in
India. For more information on eligibility/entrance test/admsision
procedures you can visit this link -
Hope it helps