How to prepare for Jipmer plz tell me??????
JIPMER is a national level entrance exam to get admission in MBBS course.Tips to crack include:
Solve NCERT exercises especially for physics and chemistry as it helps to strengthen your concepts.
Join a good coaching class as it can help you to plan your studies and score more through practice and mock tests.
Following are the important topics:
Physics:gravitation ,rotational motion,laws of motion,electrostatics,magnetic effects of current,oscillation,motion in 2 and 3 dimensions.
Chemistry:atomic structure,states of matter,chemical bonding,chemical kinetics,carbon componds,hydro carbons,elements and periodicity,hydrogen and the s-block elements,general organic chemistry.
Biology-diversity in living organisms,human physiology,cell structure and function,genetics and evolution,biotechnology,ecology and environment.
Also prepare well for basic aptitude questions on english,maths,logics from RS Agarwal book
Physics:DC pandey,HC Verma,Pradeep publications
Chemistry-O.P Tandon,JD LEE,Arihant publications
Biology-Trueman publications,objective biology by Dinesh
Hope your doubt is cleared.