Which degree is more and more best for IAS exam
Hello Sourav,
A degree in Political science,geography,sociology and mark obtaining
subject can help you a lot in Examination.
A candidate should take the optional subject from your graduation
because you have given a lot of time to it so it will be easy to score
and you feel more confident in Exam.
Thank You.
good morning sourav!!
upsc cse exam eligibility is having a degree in any stream in any college recognisedby goverrnment of india.
there is no such degree which is like best for ias exam
every degree is the same for upsc preparation.
all what matters is your passion towards the goal.
please take a degree which suits you and in which you have passion or interest.just for ias sake dont chose a degree.every subject or stream has got something to teach you.make the best out of it.
ias preparation is completely different from graduation.
the level of optional subject is a bit more than graduation and a bit less than post graduation.
if you are graduating from one subject and think to take the same as your optional so that you can score well- that wont work always.please see previous years questions and marks achieved by students in that optional subject.go through twice or thrice and then decide the optional.
coming to the graduation degree anything is fine go with your interest and passion and dont forget to prepare for upsc simultaneously.
thank you
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