What is the cutoffs marks in unigauge exam
Hello Shibaan Khan,
ERA foundation has announced Uni-GAUGE 2018 result on May 28 in online mode. Candidates who have appeared in the exam can now download their score card along with their result of Uni-GAUGE 2018. To download their scores cards, candidates have to use their login ID and password. It is the responsibility of the candidates to check their Uni-GAUGE result 2018 as authorities of the entrance exam will not be sending the score cards through post or email to any candidate. The result of Uni-GAUGE 2018 can be checked by candidates from this page. It is important for candidates to note that after checking their Uni-GAUGE 2018 result, they have to download it and take a print out of the same so that they can send it to Uni-GAUGE participating universities of their choice. The complete details regarding Uni-GAUGE result 2018 can be checked by candidates from the full article given below.
The following things will be mentioned over Uni-GAUGE 2018 result which candidates need to check while downloading it:
Candidate’s name & roll number
Candidate’s raw scores for each section. The raw scores will be the actual marks obtained in that particular section.
Candidate’s percentile for each section. The percentile means the percentage of candidates who score less than or equal to score obtained by others.
The Uni-GAUGE score card is available to only those candidates who have appeared in the exam.
The authorities of ERA foundation will not be sending score cards to any candidate through post or email.
Candidates must take a print out of their Uni-GAUGE score card 2018 as they will be required to apply separately to the participating universities, they are interested in for admission purpose.
Candidates will have to send their score card to the universities they are applying in along with the documents specified by the university.
For more information about unigauge exam please visit this link:
Here is the link:
Hope this helps...
Thank you and all the best...

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