Is it required to upload Class 12 marksheet for jee advanced 2019?
Yes, it is mandatory to upload both class 10th and 12th marksheet for jee advanced. As jee advance has a criteria where a candidate have to score minimum 75% marks in PCM ( 65% for SC, ST,OBC and PWD). So a candidate have to fulfill this criteria in order to get admission in IIT's, IIEST's etc.
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Hi Soumya, yes it complusory to upload your 12th marksheet for jee advance.After filling form with details you have to upload scanned image of 12th marksheet with few other documents.
Yes it is mandatory to attach class 12 marksheet for jee advanced.
Other required documents are
10th marksheet or birth certificate
12th marksheet
Category certificate (if applicable)
PIO card(if applicable)
Scribe letter(if applicable)
For detailed guilelines for how to register for jee advanced, check out this website
No, 12th marksheet is not required to upload for JEE advanced.
All the information was already filled by candidate at the time of JEE mains form filling.
You only need to fill centre and fee submittion. These certificates are only needed at the time of admission in institutes.
Best of luck
If they are asking then please upload it. May be organising IIT just want it for further verification at time of admission.
Best of luck for your JEE ADVANCED exam.
For Jee advanced, not quantity but quality of question is very important. Choose questions wisely.
You can guarantee you selection just by doing and choosing easy and moderate question which are widely spread throughout the paper and you have to find them.
Do your best. Best of luck once again.