Hey! Which online course will provide best revisional videos for CAT repeators? Also, which test series are the best for preparation?
Hi Bhawana,
You can try below online course for CAT repeators:
- Hitbullseye
- Mindworkzz
- Handakafunda
- IQuanta
- Online.2iim
For preparation you can opt for TIME test series as their level is equivalent or a little harder as compared to CAT thus, preparing you for one level up. You can also opt for TestFunda or IMS as their level is very similar to CAT. I am not much in favor of Career Launcher's test series as their mocks are generally easy and hence aspirants panic in case of actual CAT.
Hope this helps. All the best.
You can do it by yourself lso.
Ow you ca jkin any booster batch online.
There arelots of CAT online preparation coching is available named as below.
5-Learn4exam-Repeaters Course
& For test you can buy Testfunda Or IMS test series..Which will help you To gain pace & Doing revision
Best of luck
Thank you
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