I was AIR 72 as per AILET 2019 marks-wise result. Does NLUD release a second merit list? Is there any chance that I might get in?
AILET 2025: Second Merit List PDF | First Merit List PDF
AILET 2025: College Predictor | Marks vs Rank Analysis
Hello Harleen!
Depending upon the vacancies available after the first round of admissions, National law University Delhi will definitely release a second round of merit list. Since your AIR is strong, there is a probability of getting admitted in either second round or at most third round. But you should also keep your other options open incase the condition for availability of vacancy is not fulfilled.
Hope we were helpful in our response. Thank you for connecting with CAREER360.
All the best!
AILET 2025 Expected Cut-Off & Previous Year Trends
This ebook includes the category-wise previous years' AILET cut-off trends.