Sir I got 36933 rank in eamcet I want seat in CMR how should I go for counselling and which I have to select CMR college to get seat
They are four campuses in CMR group of institutes
According to the EAMCET code
And while your attending counseling please put colleges according to your caste and cutoff rank
This process you can do online in tseamcet official website or else go for any net shop he will help you out.and if you would like to study in CMR engineering college is your first priority then put in 1st option .
The first campus cmrk and secondary campus is CMRM and 3rd is cmrg and forth campuses cmrn
really hard to get seat in first two campusbut according to your rank there is a chance of getting admission in cmrn that to completely depends on your branch and your caste
Visit this official website to know cutoff rank for cmrn
Please do comment your branch and caste I can help you better
Hope this information is helpful
All the best