Kya gujcet ki exam 2019 me rahegi?????
Yes, GUJCET will be conducted in 2019 as per the current notifications.
To know more about the exam you can refer below link
Good luck!!
Yes, Gujcet will be there in 2018 onwards as per the current inofrmation out from the officials. But the rules can/cannot be changed so it is advisable to stay tuned with us one below provided website to know all latest updates for GUJCET exams -
Hope this helps!!!
GUJCET Complete Guide
Candidates find detailed information related to GUJCET through this ebook and thus prepare accordingly for the upcoming session.
There is no any updates about 2019 regarding this. But in 2018 All the state level exam & National level exam will be there. Stay tuned with our articles for updated information.