Which Among IIIT D,IIIT H, DTU and NSUT is good for CSE?
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Well, the choice is very simple here - IIIT Hyderabad.
I will be surprised if someone recommends something else.
- If you are just considering Computer Science, the only colleges better than IIIT H would be the old 5 IITs (that too because of the students there)
- The quality of research and professors in IIIT H is far more superior than the other colleges you have mentioned.
- If you are planning to do an MS, the environment and exposure you will receive in IIIT H is going to be far more superior than DTU, NSIT or IIIT Delhi.
- Placement statistics of IIIT H is comparable to CS placements of the old 5 IITs . Be it programming contests, Google Summer of Code, jobs at Facebook, Google,Uber, Tower research , Microsoft- Name any of the IT giants of the world or any coding contest, IIIT H students are right there competing against the best of the best.
- You are too young to decide for an MBA. There are very good chances that after a degree in Computer Science , you might not need an MBA after all. A class 12 child deciding to do an MBA is very immature in my opinion. Explore and understand what an undergraduate program is going to offer you before deciding about a graduate program.
- The only reason for not joining IIIT H would be that you absolutely hate coding !
Hope I have made myself clear.
Best Wishes!
Dear aspirant
If you are passionate about Computer Science and are sure you want a career in this field, then the order should be-
IIIT Hyderabad > > > IIIT Delhi > > NSIT ~DTU.
IIIT hyderabad is basically the best for Computer Science in India. There is no need to explain that. Just look at the performance of their students in the past 5 years or so in Competitions like ACM ICPC, Google Code Jam, GSoC etc. IIIT H dominates all the colleges including IITB. The research opportunities are also really amazing and unlike IITs and NITs you do not have to waste 1 year studying useless subjects, so basically you get 1 year extra to code. IIIT Delhi is also doing pretty good. DTU and NSIT do not have that kind of coding culture mainly because they have other branches too, unlike IIITs where most are in CS and some in Electrical.
If you are not sure about CS then the decision would be up to you. IIITs will make you work really hard towards coding and frankly other extra curricular clubs are as good as non existant there (sports facilities and culture too). DTU and NSIT would provide an all-round development which may be better in this case.
Also if you’re a typical student from a middle class family, DTU/NSIT is a no-brainer for the simple reason that the other two colleges would require you to take out a loan to pay their not so insignificant fees for your undergraduate studies , which would only add to your burden when you go for expensive graduation programs such as MS or MBA.
I hope this helps you. Good luck!!
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