Will I have to pay for 2nd and 3rd round of councelling also in upsee if i have paid for round 1?
No,if you have been alloted a seat in Round 1 itself,if you are satisfied with your college and branch,then you will have to simply freeze it.If you are not satisfied with what you got in Round1,then you have to select the "FLOAT" option,so that you can participate in further rounds of counselling.
And if you have paid the fees for round 1 seat allocation(Rs 15000),then you are not required to pay the same fees again,but yes if UPSEE demands the students to pay some minimum money to take part in another round,so that amount will have to be payed if you want to take part in another round of counselling and if there is no such demand then you don't have to spend a single money after paying Rs 15,000 during seat confirmation.
If any confusion,you can contact on the numbers given on the website of UPSEE.
Thank You!
All the Best!
If any queries,feel free to ask
Shikhar Singh Chauhan
Nopzz ,you just have to register once for UPSEE counselling in any of the rounds.
If you've registered and paid the registration fee in the first round than you don't have to register in any of the rounds.
In the schedule,it is written that second round registration starts from 3 july.it is only for those candidates who haven't registered in the first round.
Hope it helps.
Best of luck for counselling
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