what is the minimum requirement of marks in DUET exam as to take admisson in PG course of geography?
Eligibility in Entrance Category
- BA / BSc / B.Ed with Geography or its equivalent from University of Delhi or any other University recognized by University of Delhi 55% or above in Geography papers and 50 % or above in aggregate
- BA / BA (Hons) in other disciplines or its equivalent from University of Delhi or any other University recognized by University of Delhi 60% or above in aggregate
- BSc / BSc (Hons) in other disciplines or its equivalent from University of Delhi or any other University recognized by University of Delhi 60% or above in aggregate
- BA (Hons) / BSc (Hons) in Geography from any other University recognized by University of Delhi 50% or above marks in aggregate
Eligibility in Merit Category :
BA (Hons) Geography from University of Delhi 50% or above marks in aggregate