My Gate score is 561 in CE 2020 GATE exam, EWS category , what is chance for IIT.
Based on GATE score and caste category these ate the best colleges you can get-
- NIT Srinagar - National Institute of Technology, Srinagar ( M.Tech. in Structural Engineering )
- VNIT Nagpur - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology ( M.Tech. in Environmental Engineering )
- NIT Calicut - National Institute of Technology (M.Tech. in Water Resources Engineering)
- NIT Patna - National Institute of Technology (M.Tech. in Structural Engineering)
- VNIT Nagpur - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology ( M.Tech. in Construction Technology and Management )
- MNIT Jaipur - Malaviya National Institute of Technology ( M.Tech. in Renewable Energy )
- NIT Warangal (NITW) - National Institute of Technology ( M.Tech. in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems )
- NIT Surat (SVNIT) - Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology ( M.Tech. in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering )
- VNIT Nagpur - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology ( M.Tech. in Geotechnical Engineering )
Without the actual cut off being released it is not possible to say anything accurately. And the cut off also varies every year based on the number of candidates and the difficulty level of the examination.
With the score getting into IITs might not be possible however you can try for some NITs.
You can use the provided link to predict the college-
GATE Score Predictor 2025
Student can predict their estimated score in GATE 2025 exam based on expected marks.