Sbi po exams
SBI PO Exam: Sample Papers | Preparation Tips
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Application form of SBI PO will tentatively start in the month of February 2018.
The Preliminary SBI PO exam is expected in the month of April, 2018 & Main exam is expected in the month of June, 2018.
In order to start your preparation you should be aware of the complete syallbus and exam pattern.
Solve previous year papers to analyse you preparation level and to know the level of the questions asked in the exam.
In Quantitative Aptitude Mathematics questions are mainly asked from Data Interpretation, Averages, Time Speed & Distance, Mensuration, Interest, Percentage, Algebra, Time & Work, Approximation, etc. The focus of the Quant section of SBI PO Mains however, will be on Data Analysis & Data Interpretation.
In English, In SBI PO exam, the questions are mainly asked from Reading Comprehension, Para Jumbles, Cloze Test, Fill in the Blanks, Error Spotting, Phrase Replacement & Sentence Correction, Word Association Pair etc. These questions aim to test your comprehension and usage skills.
Good Luck!!