best books for kvpy preparation for sa stream
You can refer the following books:
PHY: NCERT 11th Physics Book,NCERT 12th Physics Book,Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick-Halliday,Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker,Problems in General Physics by I. E. Irodov, Aptitude Test Problems in Physics by S.S Krotov and Concepts of Physics By H. C. Verma (11 and 12).
MATHS: NCERT 11th Maths Book,NCERT 12th Maths Book,Mathematics For Class XI by R. D. Sharma, Excursion in Mathematics (Bhaskaracharya Prathisthana, Pune),Challenge and Thrill of Pre-college Mathematics
CHEM: NCERT 11th Chemistry Book,NCERT 12th Chemistry Book,Moderns ABC of Chemistry for Class – XI With CD by Modern Publisher, Moderns ABC of Chemistry for Class - XII, Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon,Reaction, Rearrangement and Reagents by S. N. Sanyal
BIO: NCERT 11th Biology Books, NCERT 12th Biology Books,Elementary Biology Volume 1 by KN Bhatiya and MP Tyagi.
You can refer any 1-2 books form these.Hope this helps!