fir which college is better GNIOT OR NIET
Between GNIOT and NIET, NIET is better to choose over GNIOT. As per the Alumni students review, NIET College has all the equipment and resources that it needs. The campus is not too large or too small, in fine form. The college has very well-equipped classrooms, well-equipped library, good sports centers and hostels. There are all the requisite facilities such as wifi, smart boarded classrooms. And all the stuff is kept well. The cleaning and repair services are done regularly Hostels are also perfect with good quality food.Placements are among NIET college's most highlighted feature or perk. College provides an average package of 5.5 with the maximum of 20 LPA . Every year, the college has a 90 % placemnt ratio and continues to growing. Each year nearly all the students are placed in various companies with a good package of around 5 lakhs a year. The highest package last year was 19 La LPA and the individuals was positioned in Amazon. Every year, various companies such as Capgemini Wipro and NXP semiconductors visit at the college for the placements drive.
Check out the below link to compare NIET and GNIOT and decide yourself. You can compare based on various parameters including students reviews of these two college's
If you have any further doubts regarding this, feel free to ask your doubts here in comment section below.
For course between niet and gniot better would be niet because it has more brand value that gniot
Reason why you should take niet over gniot
1. Placement better than gniot
Average package - 4 LPA
Highest package -19 lakh
2. Campus
Niet has better campus than gniot
3. Faculty
4. Ranking
5. Accreditation
6. College life
By taking above all the factor we can conclude that niet is better than gniot
colleges that are better than niet are
1.Akgec ghaziabad
2. Kiet
3.GL bajaj
4. Abes
Hope this will help
Thank you

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